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Summer is Here!!!!
Summer school ended for me. I don't know how I did in my test, but how ever I did i can totally be in denial until the marks come out. I don't think I failed my exam, and even if I did I will get a 67 percent final mark so it will definately be better than Japanese (yay). I am of course aiming for higher though. Obviously.
Now in the rest of the summer all I have to do is work, work and work!!! Joyous isn't it? Not that I am not thankful for getting my job, but work is something you want when you don't have any and don't want when you do. Ooo wouldn't that make a good riddle? At least I don't have to stress over exams and assignment for another two months! Woohoo! Alcan Dragonboat festival is this week end. It will be the first festival for me where I don't have to worry about finals at the back of my mind. This also means I can invite my friends to go there for the first time, since they are are in my grade, and also don't have to worry about finals this coming week end. For the first time since I joinned this festival, I am truely excited. Henhen is coming back next month, I can't wait to see him. He will have as much free time as me so we will be hanging out quite a bit for sure. i will also go visit Steph who had moved out of her house, and I am sure that will be fun. Hopefully I will be able to meet Somnifer for a few more times before this summer ends too. Too bad K is going to HK for a while, but hey at least I can meet J out when ever I am bored since I think he is not going to HK. lol. And guess what?! Maybe I can even change the layout of this page this summer. It has looked like this for a long long time now, and I really don't mind a fresh change. I am thinking of drawing some original art sort of thing for the layout this time. Woot. I will need to help Josie out a bit. I am not totally looking forward to that since helping her is almost like volunteering for me. ^_^;; Actually, I would rather volunteer than help Josie out just cause it's less hard work. See? I am lazy. posted by Arc 12:08:00 PM ![]() |
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