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Jyu oh sei
Jyu-oh-sei: An anime. Based on a manga series drawn by Itsumi Natsuki under the same name. Produced by Bones. An under the radar anime that not enough people watch despite its absolute goodness.
I am writing this not just to advertise for this anime, that is still part of my intent obviously, but also because I am dying to give reply to a few posts on the Jyu-oh-sei forum at Anime Suki. I know the whole story already because I read the manga but I never gave those people definate replies because this is one of the few series I don't want to spoil other people for. So, take that as a warning. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read what I am about to say.... I think that's enough warning don't you think? Here's a post: I think something will happen between Karin and Thor. If a guy goes out in a snowstorm or blizzard just to save you, most of the time, you'd fall for that guy, especially if he's young, handsome, has silver hair, kind, the Top of his ring, and benevolent. Chances are, him banging her is very, very possible. Here's my inner response: In my opinion you are also somewhat in denial considering all those foreshadowing in the opening... well at least the fall in love part. Lust =/= Love. Furthermore, remember Karin loves Zagi (who also happened to be young, handsome, has silver hair, top of his ring, and kind in his own odd way) best. Here's a post concerning episode 7: For all that Thor in this ep says that he wants to always be with Tiz, then why won't he have a child with her when the next...whatever you call it comes around? Here's my answer: In episode 7 Thor still thinks of Tiz as family not a woman in her own rights. Here's a good question: I have a quick question about the science behind the aging process on Thor's colony. If it is a simulated Earth then why is their age affected so signifacantly, especially since they have the same technological advances, supposedly, against diseases and what not? Here's the answer: Earth died a long time ago. Thus, people of the Earth, built to live on Earth and not colonies are also dying. People on the Beast Planet are not dying because their DNA have mutated and evolved to suit the planet's environment because in that world it is survival of the fittest, and thus only genes suited for life on the planet gets passed on to the next generation. Technically they are not humans, but a new species similar to humans. People on the colonies never evolved because they depended way too much on science. Someone commented: ...Really, she (Tiz) doesn't get the freaking hint that Thor is Not. Interested. In. Having. Babies!! Here's the answer: In Tiz's world, a world where success = survival, and later passing down of genes/reproduction, males would only refuse to have babies with you if they hates you. Females can choose who to mate with though. So that's why Tiz is so confused. On one hand Thor keeps saying he loves her, and then on the other hand he refuses to sleep with her. Thor is technically an alien on this planet, remember, his logic differs from the people born and raised on Jyu-oh-sei. It's as much Tiz does not understand Thor as Thor does not understand Tiz. A good comment by someone that people should keep in mind: But there are a unique alien society, an interesting new way of looking at gender, strong female (and ex-female) characters, and a lot of angst. In addition to the unusual music and unique character design. And there's one way in which it resembles Noein: the sakuga is really inconsistent from week to week, but very artistic. Comment: Yes, it reminds me Noein for some reasons too. I think it's the fact both are science fiction shoujo series. posted by Arc 10:02:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Movies, etc.
I saw MI3 two nights ago and I saw the Da Vinci Code tonight. Both movies were decent but definately no master pieces.
MI3 was as expected, a movie with non-stop action... well almost. Tom Cruise did pretty good in the movie all considering, I suppose, but his Sciencology dealings had turned me decidedly against him for a while now. I did not like the female lead, she bores me. I liked the fact they made a turely multicultural agent team. Oh yes, I found the Chinese hilarious. The Cantonese that Chinese woman spoke was so horribly accented. The two Chinese words Tom Cruise said was completely a joke. As for Da Vinci Code, I have to admit I am somewhat of a Tom Hanks fan. Not an obsessive fan, or course, I mean I don't rush to see his movies, but I definately have a pretty good opinion of him. So for me to say the movie is mediocre says volumes. The over analysis of everything amused me quite a bit. Especially the 'Chalice' symbol. I liked the fact we get to see some nice art pieces. I thought the woman lead was slightly unemotional, but I think English may not be her first language so that may be the language barrier part. Oh yes... Sir Leigh Teabing had a few good lines. I especially liked how he asked three questions in the beginning. posted by Arc 11:47:00 PM 0 comments![]()
More Rage
I don't know what's wrong with me these days but I am so angry all the time. Sometimes I am angry and I don't even know why. My anger is not even directed at anyone or anything. I am just angry.
I am kind of scared of myself because of that. Just the past week I had two anger spells, two instances when rage inexplicable just took over. They not only took people around me by surprise but they took me by surprise too. On the first instance I basically screamed at my friend for unjustifiable reasons. The second time I got angry at a Fido's representative because he cut the line after telling me to wait for five minutes and I pratically threw the phone across the room. I feel like screaming and yelling and stomping and generally just being unsociable and unpleasant all the time, even when I am smiling or laughing some part of me still stirs. This really worries me. I am worry one of these days I will snap where impression really matters. Smiling is so hard when I am less happy than I should be. Being angry is so easy when everywhere may be a potential instigator. I hope this is just a phrase. I hope this passes soon just like everything else. I don't know how I can cope if this worsen. posted by Arc 11:29:00 AM 0 comments![]()
RAM and headphones.
I got more RAM yay!!!!
Before I only have 512MB of RAM for my PC which as we all know is absolutely not enough especially when I have a 3.0gHz processor. The ram speed things up a good bit. Still not perfect, of course, but at least I can actually do some video editting on my comp now. Woot! Also, while down in Future Shop to pick up those wonderful, brilliant, terrific, fabulous RAM I also picked up some new headphones. I am now the proud owner of a pairs of Panasonic RP-HS11 headphones to go with my Panasonic SV-SD100V mp3 player. But of course, if you are ever going to get a mp3 player for more than looks then NEVER buy the SV-SD100V. This player is the most user unfriendly mp3 ever created in the world. It requires a music convertor to convert your music into Panasonic's own special file type, kind of like an ipod. I would not mind that much if the program actually works relatively well like itunes. However, this program - SD Junkbox 5 does not like mp3 files - it either refuses to load them onto the program period and even if you somehow managed to load all those mp3 files on to the program, chances are transferring those files onto your your player means a 30% chance of completely corrupting your player so that you have to reload everything on ALL OVER again. What I find works best with this dumb program is WMA... which is not the world's greatest audio file type around as we all know. However, since it's the only kind of files that works, I am force to convert all my awsome mp3 into wma before loading it on junkbox so it can convert the files to yet another kind of files before loading it on my mp3 player. Talk about indirectness, difficulties, complications, time consuming, poor usability. Talk about irony. A mp3 player that doesn't play mp3. To be fair, this mp3 player does look very pretty, is very light, surprisingly durable, and produces high quality sound. So I gues it's a trade off. This player looks very unique and really does stands out in a crowd. It's just also extremely hard to use. A tradeoff. Fair or not depends on you. For me, I am willing to stick with all the inconvinences because I tends to destroy bad quality players really easily. I believe this player may actually be my first player that survive more than four months of constant battering usage by me. This speaks a lot in my opinion. Okay anyway, back to raving about my headphones... They are very nice and light. The frequency range is pretty large and the sensitiveity is pretty good too. I would rave more about them but then I must go now. posted by Arc 9:01:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Sasuke showed his face!!!!!!!
I my God Sasuke showed his face! Sasuke showed his face! Sasuke showed his face! Sasuke showed his face! Sasuke showed his face! Sasuke showed his face!
72 chapters and almost a year and a half after Kishimoto let Sasuke last show his pretty face, we finally get to see him. Sadly, Kishimoto suffered from another attack of the can't-draw-people-in-proper-proportion-in-crucial-time syndrom and gave Sasuke a pointed and disproportionally small head. In response to that disappointment I redrew Sasuke in the right proportion for fun. As well... I doodled a Sakura for this happy occasion. posted by Arc 1:17:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Help. I think I have been more depressed the more time I spend in university. If you know how to cure depressions please tell me.
Marks always get me depressed. The only time that did not happen was when I found out my IB predicted. I really thought I screwed up back then but I did not. But that was over a year ago and it has been a while since I feel that way. My 4 big problems: 1. I am not good at anything practical that I can actually earn money from. 2. I can't write final exams. That really is a big problem. I mean how can you go through university without such an ability? But honestly, I get pretty high marks in most of my courses until I go into the finals. I just don't get it. 3. I have an inability to absorb verbal information a lot of times. My brain just shuts down. 4. I can't concentrate to study properly. I am so angry at myself. I think it is total bull shit that atheists think people believe in God because they are depressed and are in dire need for help. It's not true at all. If you are going to believe anyone's words about that, believe me. I have been going to church for almost a decade and spiritually I think I have gotten absolutely no where because some part of me is also insecure and depressed and angry at myself for all the things I have done, have not done, should do but could not do. Sometimes I wish my parents never got converted. I wish I have never been introduced to church. At least then I won't be having as much conflicted feelings. If any church people are reading this (of course none of them will, I have only mentioned this site to two people there and they are not blog reading type) then take this as a cry for help. I am really on the verge of giving up. For those who actually follow this blog (there may be one or two), I am sorry about repeating this in the last few entries. It must be done though. I believe in fair warnings. If God really does exist and he really does care then he would let some of those church people know. I want someone to convince me otherwise, to prove me wrong. And please, someone tell me how to forget a person, or at least not think about the said person a lot. It's not healthy, I think, to think about a friend this much. This took me by surprise because this... fascination has developed so slowly. (I am being vague just in case someone who actually knows me read this). posted by Arc 11:59:00 PM 0 comments![]() |