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I feel like a wreck today. Yesterday was my prom, and now I obviously do not have enough sleep having Vivien wake me up at 9 when I slept at 4. Oh well.
Vivien got the job at the airport. I am somewhat jealous, but then I realized one thing. There is really absolutely no way for me to apply for that job if I actually want to go somewhere with my family this summer and volunteer at places. I don't know why I am still going to volunteer. Really it doesn't all that matter anymore, but I guess it is just something to do. I also have a job too. I am not given too much money for the job, but it is not like I can just up front my boss and say give me a raise. It seems kind of awkard to say that. So minimum wage it is. I don't really mind. She is nice to me and it is not like I am in desperate need of money, just experience in a business, given a small business. Personally, I do think working in a small business is a lot more useful for a well rounded business experience wise than working at the information desk at an airport, but of course airport seems more exciting. Travelling will be kind of fun. I am finally going to visit Disneyland, for the first time in my life, very cool. I don't really know what to expect for outdoor camp. Generally I don't like those kids too much, but some of the uncles and aunties are cool people, so maybe I will be okay. PLUS Howl's Moving Castle came, so I can enjoy that book page by page in that five days, along with perhaps One Day in the life of Ivan D----. I still haven't read that and I wanted to. Oh I may start a web manga with Aaron soon. It seems pretty cool. Storywise I got it developed. So it is nice. It will be about the story playing around in my head for a few years. Based around two equally strong characters who complement each other perfectly. Prom was yesterday as I said before. I had 2 provincials before that yesterday so I was really rushed. John gave Jenny a necklace and took her as a date. Vivien was sad. I was pretty content and happy. Kenneth was my date, but I am horrible as a date. Got me a corsage that was completely unmanageable, not to mention the flowershop he bought it at was horrible with flower frenshness and corsage design. It's not his fault really though, since he is a guy and how would he know these things right? The one my boss gave me was much nicer and easier to handle, but since I did not want to give any wrong impression I simply didn't wear any corsage for a major part of the night. I don't think he should have asked me, if he had asked someone like Vivien she would probably do a better job as a date than me. But he asked me and I was grateful for that. Haha anyway, ended up ignoring Kenneth half of the night (I didn't mean it deliberately but that maybe what is what it seemed like), he is rather silent, and I am not one to force conversations to go on for too long. So instead, I talked to Aaron a bit about the comic. I talked to Ian who refused to dance with May (rather sadly), I talked to Nicken who was rather friendly, and I talked with John of course who was preoccupied with Jenny. Oh I managed to talk a little bit with Jeremy and the other John too so I was fully content. Oh, John was surprising liberal and proactive toward Jenny. I was rather surprised. He hugged her a few times and stuff, and she let him. Very interesting development. I for one is happy for them. But I feel by being so I may be making a certain other person sad. Some people got rather emotional by the end of the night, but me being an emotionless creatures toward such things, felt absolutely nothing. I mean, it's not like I won't see those teachers again knowing my involvement with Ms. Yasui's dragonboat team. It's not like I will never see those people I want to keep in touch with again either. Meh. I don't really care. I sometimes think I care too little about everything in life. I am also slightly worried that I am too materialistic. I may be, for all I know. Most of my goals in life for now is somewhat materialistic that's why I am going into commerce. I mean come on, there is no such thing as an honest businessman. I have understood this concept since I was young. Okay I also cut my hair short and dyed my hair. I always liked short hair, and the colouring was done very nicely. Costed my parents quite a bit. Oh dear. I didn't mean to cut my hair this short or dye my hair but my hair was ruined by evil hair stylist below Superstore, so I was forced to find an expensive hair stylist to fix my hair up. I also got this really nice auntie to do my make up yesterday. It was really awsome. I looked good in that make up. It made my skin look very white and pretty. posted by Arc 9:07:00 AM 0 comments![]()
New Addition to Collection
Dad came back from Hong Kong and brought home a whole bunch of goodies. I got 53 new manga volumes!!!! And a new mp3/video thing.
For manga i got Bleach, the Law of Ueki, Chrno Crusade, Naruto volumes I did not have yet, Deathnote volumes I did not hav eyet, Detective Academy Q volumes I did not have yet, and xxxHolic volume I did not have yet. The Law of Ueki is super good. It is a mix of Shaman King/One Piece art. I love the humour, I love the story, I love the cuteness. The ending is also awsome. Nothing can beat this ending. It is as good as I can hope for. I pratically squeeled every time Ueki think/saved Mori, since he did that very VERY often especially by the end of the manga... hehe. I want to scanlate this manga. But I hate scanning stuff. =/ so I may have to reconsider. Oh I also went to Tinseltown with Antho to watch Howl's Moving Castle. It is based on an English children's book. I am bought the book at Amazon because it is not avaliable at Chapters, and it would take months for me to get it at the library (8 people is in line for that book for some reason). Sadly, I am going to be wasting 11 dollars to watch the movie again with John and co. during his bday cerebration. Joy, that should be fun... if only I can read the book by that time. posted by Arc 9:53:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Award Night
Do I care? Absolutely not. Am I going. Sadly yes. This is the first one I have gone to for a while.
Honestly I don't really want to go. But this teacher who hosted the history contests told all of us to go. She refused to tell us how we did in the contest. She was like, "I promise you it will be sensational." Sensational? Yeah right. Like hell I will get anything. Jeremy Wood or John Lee may get something. They are pretty good at writing and all that. But me? A pig would climb the tree before that happens. I mean for heaven's sake that Canadian history historiography contest's written portion is about swim suits! Swim suits?! What the hell?! What kind of history is that? I know Canada has a short history, but is it really so short that you have to use the revolution of swim suits as the portion that makes up for the most marks? Anyway. They said I got some awards. I know what they are. I got the service award no one cares about and I got in the principle honour roll that everyone gets in to. It's not special, it is definately not worth 3 hours of my time. Ms. Kinegal thinks service awards are so important, they are not. I hate award ceremony. You know why? Becuase Award ceremonies are only good if you are the one winning something. In these stupid ceremonies mediocre people like me gets awards that don't matter and are force to watch those remarkably smart people get awards that actually matters. Normally you can almost convince yourself that you are as good as they are because you don't have to know how well they did in tests, and what sort of amazing feast they have accomplished. All you need to know is that you did alright and many people did worst than you, and this knowledge make you feel good about yourself. I tell you, unlike what those teachers tell you, award ceremonies are places where your self confidence can take the lowest dip. Am I jealous of those people? Yes. I am not even going to deny that. I have been jealous for a long time. Every single award ceremony from grade four till now. I hate going to the award dinners for the swimming club. I hate just going up there and getting the 'AA' award while watching other people go up again and again. And worst of all I never once won any of the lucky draws that would have at least make my time wasted worth it. Am I whinny right now? Yes. I know I am. I know what other people will say. They will say I have no rights to complain becuase I don't try as hard as those people who are up there getting the awards. That is true most of the time, of course, but meh. This is my blog and I get to rant as much as I feel incline to. posted by Arc 5:12:00 PM 0 comments![]() |