The epiphany of tragedy
Honestly, I haven't been so excited about one thing in a while. I mean to think about it so much... it has not happened since Naruto. But of course, Naruto had passed for a while. I still love the show, of course, but it's sort of different now.
Oh I totally love this show. I love the humour, I love the wit, I love the satire, I love the romance, I love the irony, I love everything about it! It is just so... ME! I mean for all I know the way 子華 talks is just like the way Oscar Wilde's characters talk! So witty, so brilliant. Everyone wants a happy ending. I heard there might be 2 endings, and if there are I will be so happy. It's just like someone on the chat board for this show said: "They spend 24.75 episodes making the world of detective Mok so happy and good, and then in the last 0.25 episodes they make him think about himself waking up, asking Vivi out, proposing to Vivi, thinking of the date to get marry, and going to take the wedding photos... Making his death the epiphany of tragedy." It's a perfect sad ending, but so perfect that it makes people angry because we can't get happy endings in our lives but we want to live them through these characters in TV shows. We want happy endings. We want to make ourselves feel all fuzzy and warm inside by seeing our beloved characters able to survive everything and live a happy life! Why can't stupid tvb just give their watching a happy ending. I what other channel can give a comedy a tragic ending?! They can't do that to us! They can't! No! posted by Arc 9:35:00 AM |
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