Monday, August 04, 2003
I want to contact Laina. I want to contact Laina. I want to contact Laina.
But she is not home. It's so darn hard to find her these days. Grrrrr. And by the way I had a great time out with Venessa yesterday. We had fish and chips, went swimming and then we shopped at some old book store, antique shop, and even thrieft stores (yes, we are both economically capable). Oh yes, did I mention we are weird? Dad gave me some math to do again. Ah, the beauty of algebra. I downloaded more anime, three episodes to be exact. Ryu is still showing up in DDS. I was quite dissapointed. I really like Ryu. I really want to see him, actually I was only watching DDS becuase of Ryu. They are smart though, they always put a one minute clip about Ryu at the end of each episode, making me download the whole thing. I gave 10K to Henry on Diablo. Aren't I generous? Oh this author on said that she will finish this pokemon story I like. ^_^ I am very happy about that. I am not saying I like pokemon, but then I like her story very much. posted by Arc 7:19:00 PM |
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