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Friday, June 06, 2003
I have been thinking. Then again I am always thinking. I just haven't written down anything that I thought about (oops I used 'everything' that is an evil word!! It is an imprecise pronoun)!
I have been observing people in my class for the last year. It's easy for me to do that becuase I sit at the back and I am generally invisible. You know, the kind of people who just don't catch any attention in class? Which... is probably due to the fact I hate my own voice and I am desperately trying to get rid of my stupid Chinese accent. Another reason would be the fact I am a great believer of the cause and effect. As I was saying... I was observing my classmates everyday in class. While they are laughing their heads off and fooling around. Now, I will tell you first that I am not the person with the highest mark in class - however, I am also not the one who work the hardest in class. I just work hard enough so I can get the grades I want. I will also admit now that sometimes I do feel rather lonely when my classmates seem to be having so much fun, but I get use to that after so many years. I will not bore you will particulars about my childhood as I know some of you have already heard it and was in shock at the information, in fact some of you did not believe me. In any case the past is not important. I observed a few different types of people. There are the class fools. Every class has one. I would not say they are stupid, because in truth they are not, it takes wit to creates jokes that are funny. They are just rather rebellious. Their marks are usually not that wonderful, but they are exceptionally sociable people. The next group would be the flamboyant girls who while they try just can't get themselves to concentrate totally on school works. They may excel anyway though because these are the people who would do a lot of volunteer works and these are the people who gets summer jobs and have many experiences. Next group, in the area where I am living anyway, are the mathwiz. They are smart and they are usually Chinese. I don't know why but Chinese are generally good at math. I am not saying that Caucasians are not good at math, it's just that there are not that many Caucasians living in my area. Anyway, these people are usually the people who wants top marks. They fight for them. These are the people I want to focus on because there are just so many in my class. Generally, you would have at least one person who is nice and good hearted and extremely hard working. He or she may not be extremely smart but their hard work generally makes up for everything. These are the people who would likely go and become some 3rd world countries' doctor... or not, but again that is not important. Now there are people who are competitive, and want to win. That is all they want to do. They want to win and they do it by working their butt off toward that goal. These people are... usually really cool too but because they want to win so badly, sometimes they may push away some people would are nice and is willing to become their friends. Next we have the smart people who don't work. Needless to say, even though they are smart, since they don't work, it means nothing. Next there are the people who are moderately smart and moderately hard working. These people grow up like normal people. And then there is the last and final and the most deadly group of all. The ambitious smart people. These are the people to watch out for, they are going to take over the world one day... you just wait. These people do everything for the resume. Everything. They are not loud but once in a while they would surprise you and bit you in the neck. They watches, they observes, they watch for weak points... then they strike. These people are very meticulous. But they do have a weak point. Once they strike you can pinpoint who that person is. And once that happens people stop liking them and they distant themselves from them. They may still have friends, but I don't think they can honestly say they have best friend. So as you can see, their one weakness is in their loneliness. Oh yes, one more thing, these people would probably betray their friends if they see fit, so becareful. Just to observe these species more closely I decided to change to another program where I will surely get a lot more of these ambitious horrible smart kids. Let's see if I will survive *evil laughter*. posted by Arc 6:48:00 PM ![]() |
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