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Sunday, February 09, 2003
Here's quotes I got from Gundam Wing enjoy.
Quotes from Gundam Wing and Endless Waltz Heero Yuy- the suicidal guy who is obsess with missions � �Peace is nothing but a result of war.� � �Life is cheap� especially mine.� � �Quatre, I can see my enemies clearly now. If you become my enemy, I�ll kill you.� � �The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies.� � �Where are my enemies?!� � �I�ll kill Zechs. That will be my way of showing thanks.� � �I think they like you better.� (To Quatre) � �I kill crazy people.� � �Then I�ll give you just one piece of advice� dying hurts like hell.� � �Mission accomplished.� � �Mission acknowledged.� � �Do as you like. It is your country.� � �Stop it, stop it, stop it! Shut up Epyon!� � �I�m not a pacifist.� � �When nothing makes sense, I�ll fight believing only in myself.� � �You�re going to self destruct? That�s not a bad plan either�� � �Of course I can do it. I am a Gundam pilot, aren�t I?� � �Wufei, hit your self destruct button!� � �I am telling you, hit your self destruct button!� � �Don�t think ill of me. Now we are even.� � �I killed Mariemaia� I�I won�t kill anymore� I don�t have to kill anymore�� � �Zero� are you still operational? �Well, then� This is our final strike.� � �If she dies, the World Nation and this false peace will disappear� Relena, I will kill you.� � �Quatre, I will kill you.� � �I don�t believe in God.� � �I will destroy you.� Duo Maxwell- The hyper God of Death � �Well, I guess a dark future suits the god of death, but�� � �Number one again? Number two�s better than number one! Give me a turn next.� � �I don�t mind being the god of death forever.� � �Anyone stupid enough to get near me dies!� � �Stop making me repeat myself! Its bad for my health!� � �For a quiet boy, you put on quite a show.� � �I am surprised, Heero. You really turn up in the most unexpected places.� � �I don�t want to copy Heero, but� you�re going with me to hell!� � �Gundam mustn�t loose!� � �Shinigami has returned from hell!� � �I may run and hide but I will never tell a lie, that�s me in a nutshell.� � �Trowa, why did you betray us?� � �We must be idiots.� � �Hey, I wonder what real peace is�� � �Hey, Wufei, I am lonely. Keep me company till the end.� � �Don�t you just admire my ability?� � �What�s going on? How come it doesn�t explode?! What�s wrong with it?� � �For the peace of the colony, I�d gladly become the god of death.� � �So long, partner.� � �The god of death? Well, it sound much better than a hero who commits mass murder.� � �Don�t worry about it, okay? We�re good at fighting losing battles, remember?� � �Oh man, Quatre loves to blame himself for everything if you let him. Sooner of later, he will start saying that there�s no air in space because he didn�t work on it hard enough.� � �Here I am, a god of death once more.� � �This is so uncool�� � �Hey, you�re really cold-hearted you know. It wouldn�t hurt if you came and rescued me.� � �They don�t understand! They still don�t understand�� � �Wars take many lives away. Humans never forget the grief, but they also never stop the fighting. Streams of blood and tears are only an ornament for their destructive ritual.� � �You could have told me you were sleeping.� (To Heero) � �Damn, we are going to be defeated.� � �Sorry, but this is it for me. Ah, what an unsatisfying way to die, this is so uncool.� � �Anyone who sees me has got a date with his maker!� � �There is no black and white, only shades of gray.� � �I wonder how long I will see the moon like this?� � �I�ve been fighting for the Colony. I should be the only one fighting. No one else should have to go through that.� � �If you want to stay alive, don�t make me angry.� � �I am sorry. I am good at sneaking in.� � �Damn. You�re so simple minded it amazes me.� � �So looks like all you can do is just lie there and think.� � �The best mechanics in the world couldn�t fix things without the parts. Mechanics need parts for repairs, not like you with your leg.� � �Excuse me for being a mere mortal.� � �Hey! You�re really gonna� shoot me, aren�t you?� � �You�d better come up with some better way to kill yourself than that.� (After Heero jumped out of the hospital) � �I�ve had enough! Who else sets his own broken bones? Please, I just had my lunch.� � �That�s some babe if she keeps following someone who wants to kill her.� � �Man� I am going to have nightmare over this.� � �Why did I even bother rescuing this guy? He�s anti-social, thinks he is Evil Keneval, and hardly SPEAKS!� � �Hey, wait a minute. I�m fighting for the safety of the colonies as well!� � �Anyone who master that system (Zero System) is more than human.� � �Make way for the God of Death and the Gods of Plague.� (The Gundam scientists) � �Don�t go threatening me.� (To White Fang) � �Do you think threatening me will change my mind?� (To White Fang) � �That�s it, your time is up!� (To white Fang) � �Who knew I was such a nice guy?� � �You shouldn�t get your hopes up, �cause I�m really not the most devoted guy around.� (To Noin, Quatre, and Trowa) � �It�s quite an honor to be greeted by the latest model, but anyone who comes recklessly close is gonna GET IT!� � �If that was a joke it sucked. But if you were being sarcastic that�s even worse.� Trowa Barton- the silent friend of Quatre � �I assure you, the army will like it.� � �Heero, don�t pick on Quatre too much.� � �Wait for me, Quatre.� � �This will be my final performance�� � �Don�t worry, this will be the best performance you have ever seen.� � �This is going to be the final battle of my life.� � �Move away, Catherine. I have to kill myself.� � �You have mistaken me for someone else. I am not Trowa.� � �I don�t have a name. Call me No Name if you like.� � �I know all about danger, I am used to walking a tight rope.� � �No one sees a Gundam can be allowed to live. That�s my duty.� � �Battle record 001, recorder�s name� Trowa, just for the record.� � �What�s wrong, Quatre? This isn�t like you.� � ��turn back to the Quatre that I knew�� � �I wouldn�t mind if you want to kill me, but I might struggle a bit.� � �Besides, I am just the same as you. A man driven by emotion.� (To Heero) � �What he does is always perfect. Herro Yuy.� � �Those who have laid eyes on the gundams shall not live to tell about it.� � �I will correct your mistakes brought upon by your weakness.� � �I didn�t get to use the self-destruct mechanism, just as usual�� � �I remember someone saying before that it�s the right thing as a human to live as you feel.� � �I am sorry, I don�t remember, who are you?� � �I feel so cold�� � �Quatre is that you?� � �The self- destruct was wasted again.� Quatre Raberba Winner- the nice boy who turn crazy when grieve struck � �Trowa, I am going to use this Gundam to destroy the whole crazy universe.� � �Outer space had gone crazy!!!� � �I will never forget this day� you people�I will make sure you don�t forget either, you will not forget this day!� (After Quatre�s father was assassinated, before he started to laugh like a weasel) � �Wait my Sandrock. I am coming, okay?� � �Wait what this? You want me to get out? Thank you my dear Sandrock!� (While crying) � �War brings sorrow� but we must fight to keep our loved ones from sorrow.� � �I told you to surrender!� � �We mustn�t fight!� � �I wish I could meet them all.� � �But we are doing the right thing! We have never done anything but the right thing!� � �Father, please escape!� � �Why didn�t you tell me you were my sisters?� � �Trowa� It�s Trowa, isn�t it?� � �I swear upon this gift that I will come back and fight for you.� � �Heero, I HATE that colony.� � �Thank you, my Sandrock.� � �That�s funny� I am crying, yet I am not sad at all.� � �Let�s go back to Earth, it was nice there.� � �I�m sorry. I couldn�t do anything but watch.� � �It hurts, my body, and my heart.� � �It was all my fault. If I hadn�t suggested sending the Gundams to the sun, it would have never come to this�� � �Take care of yourselves and say hello to the goddess of Venus for me.� (To Maganac fighters) � �People who are kind people are shedding tears but nobody understand them and the Colony is satisfy tight now.� � �You people are satisfy with that?� � �There is nothing more valuable than life in this universe. Sandrock had taught me that.� � �Colony 06-E3. I will now destroy your colony.� � �What this colony really needs is war.� � �Don�t come any closer�Did you hear me?! Don�t come any closer!� � �If you�re afraid of dying, then you shouldn�t be fighting at all.� � �They�re afraid of their death.� � �Now I see, Heero is the soul of outer space.� � �I have to make an gundam again in order to fight!� � �I wasn�t fighting so that my deeds will be recognized by the people. One day they will see the truth. I truly think that will happen.� � �I still believe I did the right thing.� � �But someone had to fight, otherwise the war will never end.� Wufei Chang- the boy who is obsess with justice � �I lost, to someone stronger than me.� � �I will determine justice!� � �A woman? That�s why she�s weak!� � �I don�t fight crying hearts of woman!� � �Nataku, guide me down the correct path.� � �I don�t kill women and children.� � �That�s just the kind of thing a woman would think of. But I follow my own path.� � �Who the hell are you?� � �I am Wufei. I won�t run or hide until there is no one to fight.� � �The outcome of battles are not determined by soldiers� From now on I can stop fighting. Goodbye Treize.� � �I do not approve of Relina Peacecraft.� � �They are so unprepared. How disappointing, no one to fight.� � �Earth, show me your justice!� � �You�re going to drop this colony on Earth?! You can�t be serious! The reason I use Nataku is to defeat the evil in this world!� � �Destroying the enemy and there won�t be any problem.� � �Those who are right have to be strong!� � �Weaklings shouldn�t fight!� � �Woman! Are you listening? Woman!� � �I�ll get rid of those who are evil in a fair fight!� � �All I want is to find out whether this justice called �peace� built on so many sacrifices is worthy of its name! For this I will gladly turn to evil myself!� � �I have no intention fighting. Go away.� � �Do not underestimate Nataku!� � �You saw I was just a boy and underestimate me.� � �I live by my own sense of integrity.� � �I�ll keep on fighting alone until the day I die!� � �All evil that chooses to fight in outer space is my enemy.� � �Why are you guys bringing this meaningless battle out into outer space?� � �Treize, I�ll test your integrity�� � �I can�t let you reach Earth.� � �Earth itself hasn�t changed. Defeating the enemy didn�t change Earth a bit!� � �So that�s why you don�t need warriors?� (After Heero said, �Our war is over!�) � �You are just going to disregard the solders who lived only to fight?� � �I speak for all the soldiers who were used as weapons! I am fighting for every solder, including you!� (To Heero) � �You and I are fighting. Aren�t we fulfilled only when we fight?� (To Heero) � �We can only find the meaning of your existence on the battlefield!� � �You are wrong! I am still fighting him!� (After Heero said, �Wufei, Treize is no longer here, you defeated him!�) Relena Darlian/ Peacecraft- the peace freak who is obsess with Heero � �My name is Relena Darlian� And who are you?� (Talking to herself, kind of to Heero) � �Heero! Hurry up and come kill me!� � �Heerrrrroooooooo!� � �So, Heero must be alive after all, right?� � �Father, please don�t laugh. But even now, I can hear Heero�s voice.� (Speaking to herself) � �Heero! Hurry up and come back to me!� � �Heero, promise me you won�t disappear without telling me.� � �Heero� I am right here, come and get meeeeee!!!!!� Zechs Marquise/ Millardo Peacecraft- the man who want to blast a hole through Earth, and did just that! � �Zechs Marquise is dead.� � �They�re here just as I thought. It seems a man who can�t get used to peace can still make himself useful.� � �War is a dirty thing. To make that understood, I think that meaning is in everyone�s action of their thoughts.� � �I hereby declare the elimination of this opposing body, Earth.� � �Stop following me, Treize.� � �Hell of a time for tasteless tactics.� � �Thank you, Tallgeese. I would not have made it this far without you.� � �Wars truly heartless indeed.� � �Somehow I am sure Treize would have wanted me to pilot the Epyon.� � �Then what is the meaning of this battle, isn�t it all pointless?� � �Farewell, Tallgeese.� � �Space� it�s so quiet.� � �My hands are stained with blood�� � �Treize, I can�t be your friend anymore.� � �I would like to have a code name, too. Let�s say, firefighter wind?� � �I am sorry fella, but I have got nothing to say to you, so leave me alone.� � �Some lessons can only be learned by risking one�s life.� � �Earth and space. The two exist together to form a pattern of confrontation. My name is Millardo Peacecraft, and we will eliminate the earth, the force that conflict with space.� Dorthy � �I like war, I love it!� � �Hurry up and start the war!� � �Welcome to the warrior�s paradise!� � �Live strongly and passionately and violently!� � �That�s why I adore you, Relena!� � �You can�t really fight a war with dolls, after all, people must kill each other.� � �� And you should have staged this war in front of all mankind, a miserable war that they�ll never, ever want to see again.� � �You can�t do away with wars by just taking weapons away from people. You first have to change the hearts of all of mankind. If you don�t� do that, humanity� it will perish�� � �Kindness just gets in your way when you are trying to survive! It�s more appropriate for mankind to put all their effort into just surviving!� � �I won�t cry, dear grandfather, because in the end you departed this world as a courageous solider� in battle.� � �Once a point a time, there was a person with two names. That person was the direct heir of a pacifist nation but he wore a mask and changed his name to take revenge against those responsible for the nation�s collapses. He soon became the legendary hero of an army. Today that person says he will punish foolish earthlings. What made him goes this far? And can one call this an act of pacifism? Or are these the instinct of a hero? Its possible that this person actually dislike pacifism� or maybe he dislike his sister, who keep believing in her father�s pacifist ways�� Catherine Bloom- three words: the knife lady � �Don�t behave like a spoiled child. The people who live� who will live without you won�t be able to do anything but cry.� � �If Trowa �the silent� is assuring you, it must be good.� � �That child�s my little brother, a child of this circus!� � �You were the one who brain-washed my Trowa with your silly ideas. I won�t let you get away that easily.� Trieze Khushrenada � a dead person � �Heero, I won�t permit you to die until you have killed me.� Everyone: Herro! Why didn�t� you kill him? � �Humans need a higher system than God.� � �Lady� these boys will determine the future.� (To Lady Une about the G-boys) � �All are our things. People, Earth, light, and even the universe.� � �That enemy you mentioned is your own destiny.� � �In a way, it can be considered the closest thing to God, himself.� (Of Epyon) � �The remaining frontier is outer-space.� � �I remember the name of everyone who died for me. How could I forget? (Then he lists a few names) But one thing I know� none of them died in vain!� � �Gundam 05! It must be that boy�� � �Wufei, I�ll not go easy on you this time�� Lady Une- the split personality woman who love the rich freak � �Mr. Trieze�� � �Your Excellency�� � �I will have rose fragments in time for your next bath.� � �Stop, Space is a place of peace.� � �Treize loved people with the will and determination to fight even in bad times. And that�s why people accepted the gundams.� � �It�s not the victor who moves the people.� � �Even if you�re in the wrong, I cannot let Treize�s daughter die.� � �Mr. Trieze� you were splendid.� Mariemaia Khushrenada/ Barton- the very, very smart seven years old girl who was the leader of Earth for a few days � �I am the victor� I will fulfill my father�s will�� � �I shall be victories.� � �No, I gave the order to bring you here.� (To Relena) � �My name is Mariemaia Khushrenada, the daughter of Treize Khushrenada.� � �I�ve been told there are circumstances that only adult understand.� � �I don�t know the reasons for my birth� but truth is truth and I intend to pursue my father�s wishes.� � �I am the rightful heir to the United Earth Nation.� � �I will not tolerate such rude remark!� (To Relena) � �Because I respect the fact that you were once Queen Relena, I am granting you an audience with one.� � �You will know in time�� (To Relena) � �Don�t you think it�s strange that you�d need a shelter like this in a peaceful world with no weapons?� � �You could say history is like an endless waltz. The three measures of war, peace and revolution continue in an endless cycle. But with my coronation, history will change. After Colony year 196, by the end of this year I will be the most prominent figure in the United World Nation.� � �A new era will begin.� � �I will rule the world.� posted by Arc 3:14:00 PM ![]() |
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