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Saturday, January 11, 2003
First thing first, here's a cool quote I copied down. It has nothing to do with anything. I just like it:
"We do precision guesswork based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity." Anyway... Yay! *do happy dance* I am done making this new template! See last time my tamplet was boring becuase it was one of those ones that was already made. This time I changed a lot of stuff to make it mine. IT took a really long time to make though because I suck at HTML but hey! It's done. ^_^ I added a .Hack//Sign screen shots page too. Right now it only has thirty screen shots for Tsukasa and Subaru. I will get some other characters there eventually but right now that's all I have. And I also added a counter on the page. The next thing I need would be a comment place... but that will have to wait... haha. Anyway I am reading Ishuzu's little Yugioh version of A Christmas Carol. It's a bit late, I know, but it's still pretty good. If you have time read it here. You just got to love Seto/Isis fanfictions... They are just so rare and just so enjoyable. Unfortunatly the dub made Isis such a jerk that I don't think any English speaking people will like her aside from the few who own either the subtitled version of Yugioh or have the manga. Which seriously sucks becuase she is such a cool character, making such cool speeches. The translation page is currently hosting one of the chapters with her cool speech. So if you like check that page out. I learn a few things today. The first thing is that rust is evil. On front page today is a barge accident. What happened was this guy worked in the barge and lost consciousness in an oxygen-depleted area of the rusty barge. Three of his fellow workers decided to go into the barge to rescue him. When they didn't come out another worker when into the barge trying to save them. He also succumbed but he was able to phone the police before fainting. When the resucers came. One of the firemen accidentally fell in. He broke his breathing apparatus so he fainted too. At the end they were saved but not before three of them died. The moral of this story is that rust is very very evil becuase rust eats up oxygen and can be deadly. The second thing is that you should never ever take close up of your face when you have zits especially if you have a very hight quality camera. This person (who shall remain nameless) proved me that today after showing a few of his/her pictures. Let's just say they were not pretty. The third thing is that you don't want to drink and drive even if you are a premier. Look at what happened to Gordon Campbell! He got arrested for drinking and driving when he is on vacation at Hawaii... Look at this. That's all for now. I need to do some Social Studies... I am suppose to write this three page write up on Cry Freedom (Wish me luck). >_< posted by Arc 8:07:00 PM ![]() |
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