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Friday, January 31, 2003
There you go. I updated the Yugioh translation page with a new translated chapter. I hope you will enjoy.
posted by Arc 11:39:00 PM 0 comments![]()
10 kids are invading my house right now... So I am locking myself in my room. In other words, there will be a lot of updates tonight. Be alert.
posted by Arc 7:05:00 PM 0 comments![]()
State: Extremely cranky
I have been trying for the last hour to download Golden Sun and Breath of Fire 2.... with no success and now I am getting extremely cranky and I want to kill someone. So everyone, take one step away from me. posted by Arc 11:50:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Finals and midterms are here!!!!
To cerebrate this special week, the new pic of the week has this study theme in it. It features Izzy and Mimi from Digimon. The original picture is either from a fanart of the movie... I am not sure. But anyway, I hope you like it, because I do. ^_^ The quote of the week is a silly quote by Duo from Gundam Wing. I figure we need something funny to lighten up the midterm week. ^_^ That's all for the moment. ^_^ posted by Arc 9:30:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Stupified
The weekend was busy. It really was. As you know I had that Chinese school finals. After that test I took the rest of Saturaday easy... Then on Sunday I went to the Regional Swimming Chapionship thing. So I didn't get any medals, but I got best times. I got two seconds faster in 100m breast, and one second faster in 100m butterfly. That I tell you is pretty good considering my practice attendance was pretty low... I would say I have at most went to half of the practices I should go to, and that, my friend is really not that impressive. So I think that is is a miracle that I actually got best times in this meet. Humm... I ate some pretty good meal yesterday. In the afternoon I ate at Knight and Day. I ate the lunch buffet for $5.99 by saying I am under 12. Obviously, I am not under twelve. I don't like lying that much, I don't usually lie about my age normally either, even at theators, but this time the difference is just way too large (adults have to pay $12.00 to eat). If I didn't lie I won't have enough money to eat the buffet. In any case it was a really good meal. I really like it. At night I went to eat at a resturant with my parents. It was not bad... the tofu/seafood dish was really good. I only have one more test tomorrow for English... then I am free for the rest of the week, meaning that I have absolutly no school for the rest of the week. I have a five day holiday!!!! And I can think of it as a Chinese New Year holiday becuase Chinese New Year is almost here. posted by Arc 9:01:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Risqu� \adj\ Nearly indecent.
That's a new word I just learned. ^_^ Hummm... Animom wrote to me again. Man, I have to tell you, her e-mails always cheer me up no matter what I slump I am in... It's incredatble. posted by Arc 9:15:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Notes: Okay here's the deal, since I can't put up direct download anime for people, I will offer anime trading. Through out the year I had build up on my anime list and now it's finally long enough to be put up for trading. If you are interested e-mail me, tell me the series you can offer, number of episodes in the series, whether is is sub or raw, if it is subbed, tell me what language and formate. I am willing to trade through MSN, AIM and disks. Complete Anime Series List: .Hack//Sign, Ep. 1-26, AVI, English sub Gravitation, Ep. 1-13, AVI, Enlgish sub Gravitation OVA 1-2, AVI, English sub X, Ep. 00-24, AVI, English sub Noir, Ep. 1-26, AVI, English sub Hellsing, Ep 1-13, AVI, English sub Cowboy Bebop, AVI, English sub Pretear, Ep. 1-12, Window Meida Video files, English sub Digi Character, Ep. 1-16, Window Media Video files, English sub Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto, Ep. 1-12, Window Media Video files, English sub Weiss Kreuz, Ep. 1-25, AVI, English sub Weiss Kreuz OVA, Ep. 1-2, Real Media, English sub D4 Princess, Ep. 1-24, Real Media, English sub Mahoromatics, Ep. 1-12, Real Media, English sub Serial Experiment Lain, Ep. 00-13, AVI, English sub Chobits, Ep. 1-26, AVI (1-24) Real Media (25-26), English sub Outlaw Star, Ep. 1-26, AVI, English sub (mostly) English dub (in a few eps) Hand Maid May Ep. 1-11, AVI, English dub Trigun, Ep. 1-26, AVI, English dub Incompletely Anime Series List: Card Captor Sakura, Ep. 62-70, VCD, Chinese dub Shaman King, Ep. 1-42 + Special, AVI, English sub Full Moon, Ep. 1-5, AVI, English Sub Yu-gi-oh Duel Monster: (Ep. 55-59, 62, 64-84, AVI, English sub), (Ep. 91-98, 101, 108, AVI, raw), (Ep. 50, AVI, English dub) Angelic Layer, Ep. 1-10, Real Media, English sub Inu Yasha, Ep 1, Real Media, English sub Anime Movie List: Spriggan, AVI, English sub Spirited Away, AVI, English sub Digimon Movie 6, RealOne Player Presentation, two options: English sub or raw Card Captor Sakura Movie 2, VCD, two options: Chinese sub or Chiense dub Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz, Window Media Video files, English sub Whisper of the Heart, VCD, two options: Chinese dub or Chinese sub Laputa, VCD, two options: Chinese dub or Chinese sub Ninja Scroll, MPEG Video, Enlgish sub Metropolis, AVI, English sub Blood - Last Vampire, AVI, English sub Escaflowne the Movie, AVI, English sub Yugioh the Movie, AVI, English sub Street Fighter 2 the Movie, AVI, English dub Street Fighter Alpha the Movie, AVI, English dub Slayers - Gorgeous, AVI, English sub Perfect Slayers the Movie, AVI, English sub posted by Arc 3:42:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Saying of the day: Argu!
I am sooo happy right now!!! I just finished doing the killer Chinese School test... which I studied only for... 2-3 hours... which is really not a lot. But I did pretty well, so now I am extremely happy. Yesterday my internet connection messed up, and I couldn't get on line. You cannot believe what agony I faced during those dark hours. But even if the internet connection was working I probably wouldn't write anything because I was so busy. My mom couldn't stand my hair so she decided to made an appointment for me on the busiest day possible. I was so worried about the test... because I couldn't only afford 4 hours to study (including the 2 hours this morning). Haha... I was so lucky I guessed right on which long question the teacher asked in the test... *sigh happily* There's this guy in my Chinese school class who annoys me... A LOT. If you are wondering about the saying of the day... this would be the answer. Through out the whole Chinese school class today I was thinking of different ways to hurt him... Of course I didn't actually used any of my ideas, but gosh that guy really really really really really annoys me... He keeps asking stupid questions... Oh well... he will learn in High School... I am sure. I began watching the famous "X" anime series. The art is very very pretty. I liked it, but I will have to watch more to decide what I really think about it... At least it's very pretty... then again all CLAMP stuff are pretty and flowery... I am going to start an Anime trade list. I mean I am starting to have a pretty decent list of anime on disks which I can trade with... ^_^ Till next time. posted by Arc 1:54:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Saying of the day: Tis is insanity I tell you!
If you didn't know, I actually posted up a whole bunch of Couples Case Studies on the Yugioh translation page. Actually I think I should change the name of my page because it's no longer just Yugioh translation... I think I will... but that will be later. I didn't write here for a couple of days now did I? Let's just say it's all due to exams. I had two midterms, Social Studies and Math. The Social Studies midterm was hard... it consisted of 45 multiple choice questions, 2 paragraphs questions, and 1 essay answer. Talk about a long test. Math, was easier. It was just 60 multiple choice questions (oh I would have gotten at least five wrongs if it was not multiple choice). Hummm... lately I got my room pretty nice and clean, it's strange I find myself actually able to just sit down and study hard. After 2 hours of math, curiously I find I didn't hate math as much as I did before... I think the math put so much stress on my mind that I went insane or something... I mean math "fun"?! When was that ever possible? Or maybe it was just Terry who got into my mind because he keeps saying how fun math is. Or perhaps it's Fox Trot... after all I read a lot of fox Trot after Christmas... In English we went through Mid Summer Night Dreams. It was really good. I thought it was really funny, or at least funnier than I thought it would be. Seriously, I can just see a fanfic right in that Shakespearian play... Except of course, for some reason, I find I can't really write this last week. I can't write at all. Even when I got like 5 more reivews for my Seto story. I really want to write, but I can't. *Sob* I want to finish that damn chapter so much!!!!! But I am too stress to write fanfics right now due to all of those evil midterms... Argu! It's so frustrating! Anyway... I am going to go and update my .hack//sign page. I rewatched some of .hack//sign and that really got me liking that anime again. It's so good. ^_^ posted by Arc 12:38:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Saying of the day: Foolish mortals
Okay I don't really know why I just wrote that, but I read that on the pojo message board and I thought it was funny so there. I just have to make a short entry here... I can't help it. I mean while studing for a two chapters Social Studies test is fun... this is more exciting. Today, I actually went to my swimming practice. My hikari got the better of me after my yami's victories last week for five consecutive days. Oh well... I LOVE tapering anyway, I just cannot quite get myself to miss this week. After all, tapering really really boost your self-esteem. Just today, our main set was 2 x 200m broken sprints. I did mine with butterfly. Man was I doing good in those. The first 200m was broken at every 50m, I went 2:43min. That was almost a AAA time. The second 200m was broken at every 25m. I went 2:34min! That was way beyond an AAA time. Of course though, without those nice long rest I could never go that fast... but hey that set left me feeling a fake sense of accomplishment. Hummmm.... I think the next thing I am adding on my other pages will be some weird stuff I wrong along with my best friend in the summer... for a Yugioh site we planned to make but never got to. Well to bring that vision to reality I will actually post them soon sometime when I am free... They are actually quite funny, now I read them over again. They are also very different than the normal stuff I am used to writing... but hey... It WAS the summer... In school today, these idiotic 'white settlers' as my friend and I named them (oh we are the 'Metis' by the way) were playing hacky sacks. And they, unwisely kicked one of their hacky sacks at my direction. It almost hit my head and it hit my friend's side. I threw it back at this brainless guy hard. He got mad. But really he has absolutly no right to be becuase he was one of those people who kept kicking stuff around and hurting people. Plus that guy was mean to my friend, he keeps making fun of her saying that she is ugly. But who is he to judge? He is not perfect himself. And so my friend is not the prettiest girl in the world, but so what? I am not either! She is still human! She still has a self-esteem! If people can't say anything nice they should just keep their mouth shut! Slow, thickheaded, dense, simple minded, half-witted, feeble-minded, obtuse mortal fool! Who do he thinks he is? Oh but the victory came to me today, becuase the principle, who just happened to come by seized the hacky sack. I tell you the principle likes me! Mwahahahaha! posted by Arc 10:24:00 PM 0 comments![]()
To cerebrate a solid release date for the fifth Harry Potter book, the picture of the week for this week has a Harry Potter theme. The picture is a fanart of Harry and Tom by someone. It's very pretty. I actually want Harry to turn evil, if you are wondering.
A new quote is up too. This week it is from Serial Experiment Lain. ^_^ She is such a confused girl, don't you think. Oh right... she is not a girl... she doesn't exist... (if you don't know what I am talking about go and watch this cool anime series). Finals week will begin tomorrow... so... I may not update much... but who knows... posted by Arc 5:25:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Yummmmmm!
I went to eat at the Spaghetti Factory yesterday. That was a nice place to eat at, except of course I had to wait for a whole hour just to get seated... Which... really really sucked. But other than that that place was nice and pretty and homey. We almost went to bowling too but at the end we decided not to becuase it was getting late. I did get to play a bit of House of the Dead though, but the stupid game machine age two of our tokens... so we couldn't continue. >_< Hummm... other than that yesterdayh was very boring. posted by Arc 8:39:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Animom wrote to me again! Yay! She is back! I am so happy!!!!!! ^_^
posted by Arc 6:46:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Great! I posted two summaries for two of the chapters in Yugioh book 30, there is also a translation of the power of the friendship poem. For all your Yu-gi-oh fans there that would be good news eh? Oh and I also loaded the lyrics to all .hack//sign songs. Happy? You should be.
posted by Arc 8:15:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Saying of the day: They are all MINE!
My mom came back from Hong Kong yesterday night. Bring home with her a few comic books. To my surprise she even brought home SandLand, something I wanted ever since I first saw it (okay by now you can probably guess I like Shounen anime and manga a bit more that the Shoujo ones). In any case, she brought home the wonderful Yu-gi-oh manga book 30 and 31. As I promised on the pojo board, I will write long summaries for the chapter, 263, 264 and half of 265, right before the duel between Yami Yugi and Yami Malik began. You see I find no point in doing summaries for duels because I think you can pretty much guess what the hack is going on in them. However, conversations and monologues are different because you actually have to read them to understand them. You will find summaries for them on my Yugioh translation page. Okay? posted by Arc 4:27:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Oh my gosh!!!! Mom came back... as promised she has my Yugioh manga... but I must wait for her to unpack... argu! In my hand right now is Sandland!!!! Oh my gosh! I was so darn lucky! I almost bought that a month ago except that shop didn't have it! And no one said anything about this! I can't believe it! I get to read Sandland too now!!!! ^____^
posted by Arc 7:30:00 PM 0 comments![]()
A new pic of the week is up. This time it is an edited pic from Serial Experiment Lain. As for the other quote, it is from Yugioh. I will be trying to put up a new quote from different anime each week.
posted by Arc 6:50:00 AM 0 comments![]()
The manga translation page is reloaded and fixed. I also added another chapter on it. Enjoy.
posted by Arc 8:08:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Darn it... the manga translation archieve is not working properly... I can't add new chapters so I am going to start that page over... *sigh*
Also there's a lot homework today, so there won't be any updates. Um... yeah. posted by Arc 11:32:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I posted two more chapters of the manga translation. I would write more but I really need sleep. It's past 3.
posted by Arc 3:14:00 AM 0 comments![]()
First thing first, here's a cool quote I copied down. It has nothing to do with anything. I just like it:
"We do precision guesswork based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity." Anyway... Yay! *do happy dance* I am done making this new template! See last time my tamplet was boring becuase it was one of those ones that was already made. This time I changed a lot of stuff to make it mine. IT took a really long time to make though because I suck at HTML but hey! It's done. ^_^ I added a .Hack//Sign screen shots page too. Right now it only has thirty screen shots for Tsukasa and Subaru. I will get some other characters there eventually but right now that's all I have. And I also added a counter on the page. The next thing I need would be a comment place... but that will have to wait... haha. Anyway I am reading Ishuzu's little Yugioh version of A Christmas Carol. It's a bit late, I know, but it's still pretty good. If you have time read it here. You just got to love Seto/Isis fanfictions... They are just so rare and just so enjoyable. Unfortunatly the dub made Isis such a jerk that I don't think any English speaking people will like her aside from the few who own either the subtitled version of Yugioh or have the manga. Which seriously sucks becuase she is such a cool character, making such cool speeches. The translation page is currently hosting one of the chapters with her cool speech. So if you like check that page out. I learn a few things today. The first thing is that rust is evil. On front page today is a barge accident. What happened was this guy worked in the barge and lost consciousness in an oxygen-depleted area of the rusty barge. Three of his fellow workers decided to go into the barge to rescue him. When they didn't come out another worker when into the barge trying to save them. He also succumbed but he was able to phone the police before fainting. When the resucers came. One of the firemen accidentally fell in. He broke his breathing apparatus so he fainted too. At the end they were saved but not before three of them died. The moral of this story is that rust is very very evil becuase rust eats up oxygen and can be deadly. The second thing is that you should never ever take close up of your face when you have zits especially if you have a very hight quality camera. This person (who shall remain nameless) proved me that today after showing a few of his/her pictures. Let's just say they were not pretty. The third thing is that you don't want to drink and drive even if you are a premier. Look at what happened to Gordon Campbell! He got arrested for drinking and driving when he is on vacation at Hawaii... Look at this. That's all for now. I need to do some Social Studies... I am suppose to write this three page write up on Cry Freedom (Wish me luck). >_< posted by Arc 8:07:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I am changing the template today, so I won't be saying anything until tomorrow.
posted by Arc 7:29:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Tired
I am tired. Very tired. I don't even know why. But then again I have been tired all this week. School was okay today I suppose. In PE we did weight room. I wouldn't mind it that much except that weight room is at least twenty years old. The equiptments seriously look like they are going to fall apart at any moments. Not only that but that room is extremely dark. It is so musty... no wonder last year haunted house was hosted there. The one at Wathermaina is ten times better. No, a hundred. We tried all of those old machines. But Everytime I use something I wonder if I am going to be the one to break it. Luckily nothing bad happened. Luckily... But tomorrow PE will be even less enjoyable because we are playing basketball. I hate basketball. Then there was science. Miss Leaker made us watch this video she already showed us last month. Needless to say no one paid any attention to the video for that reason. I sort of paid attention, I was drawing but then again, I always draw then I am paying attention. I actually listen in class today. I don't know what bought the change. I suppose I just wanted to learn however little Miss Leaker can teach me. We were talking about asexual reproduction. In any case I can't believe she refused to change the video even after she realized that we watched the video last class. Anthony drew this picture making fun of her not teaching us anything. He purposely left the picture on the floor. I wonder if Miss Leaker picked it up. She probably will though... knowing her. Art class. Well it was still art class with those three idiotic girls taking about their boy friends, skippin, drugs and smoking in Chinese... swearing every five seconds. I don't know how they actually manage. They are always late, and they always knock on the back door, but my whole class hate them so we refuse to open the door every single day. My Yami really really hope their would get overdose some day (laugh). Ah well, they are probably going fail a few courses so they can't graduate anyway since they also skipped classes almost every single day. The chicken wires kept cutting me. My arms now look like a wreck but at least my dragons now have some teeth (sharp too becuase of the chicken wires). I bought cookies today if you are wondering. They were good. In other words I had a very big lunch so I just skipped my snack time after school. In social studies we finished up that movie called Cry Freedom. It was made in 1988 about Stephen Biko and Donald Woods. It's a good movie. I liked it. The beginning was sort of slow but the end was great! Absolutely beautiful. I love the part when Donald Wood did that insane dance (laugh). It was so good none of us realized the bell rang until Mr. McBurney told us and fast forwarded the movie. Swimming practice was really nice and for the most part easy. Or at least easier than the last two practices. The main set wsa just twenty 50m of one fly drill, one fly sprint... all on the absolutely brilliant pace time of 1:30min. You know how sometimes you really don't like a person too much but you have absolutely no idea how to deal with them becuase they are so darn nice to you? Well that's my problem in swimming. There's this guy who just annoys the hack out of me. Every single time I see him I want to get away from him, of course though, I never have suck luck since I am slow and he is slow and thus we always end up in the same slow lane (luckily the other slow guy is more tolerable). Actually the whole group hates him. He is the weird kind of people who do not try to be annoying but is anyway. My yami wanted me to tell me to piss off. My hikari said that would be too mean and that he would be really hurt because he already doesn't have any friends in the group. My yami complained but changed her mind. Her reason being that he is extremely nice to me. He is extremely generous. A bit too generous sometimes... and therefore easy to be taken advantage of. If I am even just sort of nice to him he will buy me snacks and more... I can easily make a profit out of him you know (money is good). But noooo my hikari would not let me do that. She said that's really really mean. So the whole time those two fought over in my head. Finally yami won and I got him to give him his extra Gatorade at the value of $2.00 and is extremely tasty. But the battle is not over yet, it still continues the next swimming practice I go to... >_< posted by Arc 12:49:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Zzzzzzzzzzz
I put up a link to a Yugioh manga translation by me. It's for Chapter 231. I know you can download the scanlation at TAA but Sakura is not able to keep all of the scanlations for download due to bandwidth. And I figure a word translation is the second best thing you can have. So check it out! School was boring. In English we finished watching "Fairy Tale a True Story" it was basicly a movie version of the story behind The Cottingley Fairies. It's nothing spectacular, and it was extremely corny especially when all these fairies flew around the house at the end. But... but... my hikari told me I should not complain because at least it was better than studying about poetry. My yami cannot think of any arguement. When we were watching Math Shop in math (dispite that good joke where that woman waved around his electrical drill while saying, "I remember my last relationship...") I fell asleep. While everyone around me folded cranes with pretty paper. All the while Laina just set and read her book. XD Art... I like art class you know except those stupid chicken wires we have to use. In two days of using them I got twenty cuts on my arms. I think one of my cutes got infected or something becuase it is now completely swollen. Oh well... at least the product is not that bad. I made a board sword... you know one of those swords they use in Zelda or Final Fantasy. It's sort of cool because it's as tall as I am. Then every single time my teacher sees it he would say something like, "Can you imagine those knights carrying these swords around in ancient time?" I am also trying to make a dragon. A stupid good for nothing dragon mask for art using chicken wire. It's so large I don't think I will be bring that home, but I am making it anyway... Swimming today was hard too. Sheesh! Two hard practices in a row! Luckily I am on the slowest pace time... not that I would make the faster pace time anyway. Here's the set: 20x100m Freestyle #1-10 @1:50min #11-15 @1:45min #16-20 @1:40min My goal time is to hit 1:25min for each 100m for all twenty 100m. I actually made 19 out of 20 on 1:25min so I am quite proud of myself. ^_^ Hikari is telling me sleep now, because it's past 1am and my arm is flaming (I seriously think the cut got infected... how I don't know since I was soaked in chemicals at the swim poor for two hours). posted by Arc 1:17:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Evil
My hikari got me to go to the swimming practice today and guess what I was the only one my coach made to do freaken butterfly during the main set, which was: 3x200m Heart rate at 50 below top for first two @4.5min Heart rate at 30 below top for the third one @4.5min 1x100m easy Do that whole set three times. The set would be super easy if my coach let me do freestyle... but nooooooo! He just had to make me do butterfly and kill myself. Which really sucked. Oh well. At least I was lazy and decided to not go to the swimming practice yesterday. If I went I would really die becuase the main set is 5x800m @14min. Ouch! Now that would really really really hurt, aren't I glad my yami persuaded me not to go. Got my math test back yesterday. It was a easy test because my stupid math teacher is too lazy to make it hard. I did really well on that test for that reason even though I didn't completely get everything (I really should review those math so I would get them right next year too). Got my science test today but it was a different story.... I don't know why the whole class got such a low mark on the test. We all thought it was easy until we saw our mark and we all freaked. People who normally get really good marks suddenly got 77%. Ouch! Lucky for me I didn't do too badly. It was okay, but it would still make my average drop. On the other hand art is looking better each day. Man I love that class. It's so easy to get a good mark there. A bit too easy sometimes. You got to love 3D art. Humm... Better go to do some homework. Math, very boring math. I should be getting some more links up if I finish everything early. I am thinking to post up some Yugioh manga translation. I mean since I translated them I might as well publish them eh? posted by Arc 9:26:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I think I am done editing the template pretty much. I may add a few more links here and there, but it looks pretty good for the week. ^_^ Well... for a beginner like me I don' t think I can complain... The only problem now is how to get people to come to see this page... Ah well... this is for me anyway.
It's passed twelve right now but I am re-watching parts of .Hack//Sign. I should seriously sleep. posted by Arc 12:03:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Word of the day: Celebration
Yay. This is the first blog I have ever made. This is also my first web page. So, forgive me if this blog is horribly ugly. I blame it all on not taking business when I was in grade eight. The result of that mistake is that I have become the only one in my class who does not know anything about HTML. And to tell you the truth. That sucks a lot. I have so many things I want to load on line, and so many web site ideas, but no skill to make them. I figure that a blog would be the easiest thing to make for a web site. So here I am, after spending about three hours to change the template, so it would look half decent, I can finally enter my first entry (woppie). And that, I tell you is a big thing becuase that means I am finally an owner of a website. I know this page is very lame. But hey, it's my first, so it would be. I will be adding more links and stuff soon. But now I have to study Social Studies. Oh poor me. posted by Arc 6:27:00 PM 0 comments![]() |