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John's birthday celebration, work
John's bday celebration yesterday, I spent way more money than I ought. Bought a rather expensive coat, and then ate at various places, and then I had to get something for John's birthday. Over all I spent over 100. God damn it, there goes a whole month of budget. I will have to lay low on snacks and stuff for a few weeks because of that.
Good thing Kenneth is leaving to hk so I won't be going out as much as before, hopefully, although I am by no means confident of that. I already made way too many plans. I went to work today, it's another day of filing. Christine promised me more interesting work than filing when I took this job, but so far she is only doing a semi-okay job at keeping her promise. The pay is good, so I am going to keep going, obviously, but I have to admit the meaninglessness of my work is starting to bother me. Filing is okay, but I am filing things that are last piority in the office. Honestly, some of those files have not been touched in years. What the hell is with that? Even Irene admitted she never thought the filing necessary and wish they would just change everything electronic. For good reasons, my work at the moment is reminding me of the job that guy in Nineteen Eighty-four had. posted by Arc 12:51:00 PM 0 comments![]()
New Layout and Songs Download out. Reading interest lost.
After playing with this layout for so long, I finally got everything down more or less the way I envisioned. For the first time in my life, my blog layout background picture is actually drawn 100% by yours truely. I have to admit; however, that this picture is inspired by the opening of Kamisama Kazoku. I like that anime, it's such a feel-good, cute, funny anime that for some reasons reminds me of summer.
I loaded a few songs up for download. I will periodically change the songs posted here. As well, I know how annoying background music can be to some people, so I actually made the play bar visible. If you want to turn off the music YOU CAN. I lost interest in the book I was talking about the other time abotu 1/3 into the way right after their got married. So I stopped reading. posted by Arc 11:03:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Reading, new layout
My new layout for this blog is 90% finished. i am just trying to make the layout more friendly for people with different internet surfers.
Anyway, I am reading right now, have been for the last two hours. This book is called The Misted Cliffs, a fantasy novel. I suspect this book is targetted to the female audiences. They have your tough on the outside but inside vulnerable male lead who just so happened is darkly handsome. And then you have your strong tomboy female lead, freespirit who can fight and be do magic at the same time. Oh, right, they are both royalties... The book is not particularly well written, it reads like something I may actually write myself (minus tense confusion but plus a few incomplete sentenses). It's on the library's hot and new list though, and its on for a reason: it does its purpose well. Basically, I find myself with an urge to "awww" at least when ever I reach a monologue of the male lead. The female character did not make a deep impression on me though, unfortunately. I suspect my opinion of her will improve though after she rescue her dark prince from his darkness. The author, Catherine Asaro has a MA in physics and a Ph D in chemistry so I have to respect her. I hope I will be able to get a second degree too, possibly a Ph D if I find passion in a certain area. I hope I am smart enough for that. posted by Arc 12:27:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Summer is Here!!!!
Summer school ended for me. I don't know how I did in my test, but how ever I did i can totally be in denial until the marks come out. I don't think I failed my exam, and even if I did I will get a 67 percent final mark so it will definately be better than Japanese (yay). I am of course aiming for higher though. Obviously.
Now in the rest of the summer all I have to do is work, work and work!!! Joyous isn't it? Not that I am not thankful for getting my job, but work is something you want when you don't have any and don't want when you do. Ooo wouldn't that make a good riddle? At least I don't have to stress over exams and assignment for another two months! Woohoo! Alcan Dragonboat festival is this week end. It will be the first festival for me where I don't have to worry about finals at the back of my mind. This also means I can invite my friends to go there for the first time, since they are are in my grade, and also don't have to worry about finals this coming week end. For the first time since I joinned this festival, I am truely excited. Henhen is coming back next month, I can't wait to see him. He will have as much free time as me so we will be hanging out quite a bit for sure. i will also go visit Steph who had moved out of her house, and I am sure that will be fun. Hopefully I will be able to meet Somnifer for a few more times before this summer ends too. Too bad K is going to HK for a while, but hey at least I can meet J out when ever I am bored since I think he is not going to HK. lol. And guess what?! Maybe I can even change the layout of this page this summer. It has looked like this for a long long time now, and I really don't mind a fresh change. I am thinking of drawing some original art sort of thing for the layout this time. Woot. I will need to help Josie out a bit. I am not totally looking forward to that since helping her is almost like volunteering for me. ^_^;; Actually, I would rather volunteer than help Josie out just cause it's less hard work. See? I am lazy. posted by Arc 12:08:00 PM 0 comments![]()
My week
Had one busy week.
On friday, I had my second comp sci midterm. I didn't do that great, got a B, somewhat disappointing. I got the concept of println wrong. I thought println print stuff on a new line but really it's printing and then make the next line become a new line. But I am not too angry or depress over that because I think there's still a good chance I can pull my marks up. And in any case, I think I can safely bet now that my final marks will be much higher than Japanese 100, so no matter much, taking this course is more than worth while. On Saturaday, I went to dragonboat regatta, I finally got my team shirt. The logo looked nicer on the computer, but I think I can't complain too much because the logo still looks pretty good. The shirt is very long, so the printout of the dragon is literally on our butt. I guess it's fitting since our team is call "Draggin' Butts" (yes, it's meant to sound like Dragon Butt). We didn't do too bad this year. I think our time is considerably faster than last year, which is awsome, in my opinion. On Saturaday, I also did my final for Chinese school, dropped of my passport at Chinese Cultural center, and went to CrossRoad. I did not want to go to CrossRoad mostly because for one, I was tired and i wanted to just vegetate at home and play Untold Legends, for another, I knew the activity was Oz giving us a whole sunday school lesson on saturaday (and I was totally correct). Despite my complaining my mother's non-stop nagging convinced me to go anyway. I refused to take any notes there since I knew I would never read it anyway. I wondered why all the other people there seemed so ethusiastic about listening. I did not understand why they find what was said so interesting. Although maybe I should because Oz is the one who lent me his PSP. I played Untold Legends for possibly 15 hours in the last two days. I think I am wasteing way too much time on this game. This sunday, I promised myself I will return that PSP to Oz. Tomorrow I will be meeting A and D for dinner. It's for their birthday. I am going to get a very small icecream cake for them. I need to plan out how to get to where ever we are meeting though without the icecream cake completely melting. I hope it will all work out. posted by Arc 12:29:00 PM 0 comments![]() |