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b-day Joy, fanfic, HK soap opras
Look at this! I didn't even talk about my actual b-day date. I think I should at least mention it. I went eating at Fururoku shushi place. It was pricey but the food was nice. ^_^ People who came were Laina, Steph, Derek, Henry and Benny. It was fun eating. Oh and then they bought a cake from Saveway and we all ate a bit (except for Laina). It was a good cake for something that only cost us 7 dollars. Anyway, Laina went home afterwards, but then the other ppl came to my house and we rewatched some of Trigun. It was very good. Earlier that day I went comic book shopping with Laina. She looked rather bored. Oh well. I bought a few packages of manga on sale and then I bought this the Naruto fan book (the most expensive thing I bought that day). I doubt it was really worth what I got it for, but oh well. It was still sort of cool having reference for almost all Naruto characters.
Oh I finally finished something new for fanfiction. I rewrote that Digimon fic I did when I was 14 and my writing was still absolute crap. It still suck big time but does not suck as much as it used to suck. I also finished the first chapter for my Naruto story. It was nice to have something up. I got less reviews for these than I would have gotten if I updated my yugioh story, but then I really wanted to write that Naruto one so... there. In any case I did work on the yugioh one. It will probably be the next thing I update. I think. I got obsessed with another Chinese soap opras. I really don't know why, but it seems to me that shows these days are a lot more possitive and happy than the other ones. I like them so much more than the old ones where people just sort of get drunk, have sex and then break up. I mean god, can they be more plotless? The new ones are a lot more proper and happy and funny. I suppose its IB, but after getting so much homework, I don't really feel like watching tragedy. I just want to watch comedies. This new one (well technically not new since it was shown in Hong Kong about a year ago when Sars was still raging in Hong Kong (so its still pretty new for Canadian standard). Its about negotiators. The English name is Take my Words for It. I really like the character Yang Guang (though Jex hates him lol), I like how he is so happy go lucky sort of person... which is sort of odd since normally, at least in cartoons I like people with horrible childhood and cold manners. Well... I suppose, you do get the idea that this guy did not have the best childhood in the world but then he is still happy. Another person I like is an emotional girl who seems to be scared of everything. Her personality is realyl cute though, so I like her. The other two main characters are older people, the woman is that woman from Law Entanglement. As for the guy he is the one from a whole bunch of other shows I watched before. Hummm HK soap opras are always the best (okay fine the Jap ones are not bad either - Long Vacation was pretty good). Oh right, Regina, Sarah, Jenny and Vannessa all gave me b-day gifts. They are so nice. ^_^ posted by Arc 3:26:00 PM ![]()
Hawksong review
I just got that book I waited for weeks today. I finished reading it in top speed. Here's my review for it:
In the last few years majority of the books I read were classics and I have never been a hopeless romantic, but lately I have gotten into an odd mood. To satisfy this mood I went in search for books that would satisfy a few requirements: -The book must be happy -The book must have romance -The book must be about mature, intelligent teenagers -The book must set in a fantasy world -The book must have some sort of magic -The book must be about at least one grey character -The main characters cannot love each other in the beginning -The book must be at least sort of funny See how particular my taste was? I can assure you it was excessively hard to find any books that satisfy all requirements but I found it. At this point I would like to give credit to the book which led me to Hawksong, that book is called Dragon Bait. I read that a while back, and I thought although the ending was not perfect, it would be something that would satisfy me. So I went and searched for books other people said were similar to that book. Hawksong was on the list. At first I was worried because everything else Amelia Atwater-Rhodes wrote before were about teenage girls falling for darkly handsome vampires for absolutely no reasons except they seem to understand them. After reading a few reviews and short summaries about this book, however, I knew that was not the case and that I would not be at ease until I read it. For all the efforts I put into getting this book (which involve ordering the book from a completely different district because the libraries in my area did not hold the book), I still say this book was worth the trouble. Sure, the plot was somewhat predictable, but what can one really do with two handsome leaders of opposite genders with alike ideals and hated each other in the beginning? Surely, you cannot expect these two people to fight to their death unless you are trying to convey existentialism. In any case, there were definitely parts that surprised me, a person proud of her ability to predict story-line. One of the best qualities of this book was the characters. They were three dimensional, not flat but dynamic. They were not annoying; they were considerate but not overly so. They are who I think I would be if I am in the situation. That's why I like them: I can relate to them. A bad point about this book would be the fact it doesn't develops each character full to their potential. Though, I suppose that could be explained by the fact that it was written in first person, which tends to develop the few people the central character interacts with the most much more than other ones. The ending was not as rushed as some other people said in their reviews. I read much more rushed books, although I think intentions of the antagonists could be stated more clearly. I like where the book ends off, its not like I am interested in reading about their future in any case. I don't want to read about children. I just wanted to read a sappy, fairy tale like fantasy, and for that I was satisfied. *PS* Do not worry parents, where were no bad conducts in the book. They just *slept* next to each other, they kept their virtues, on top of that they were married... so lets just say these teenagers (I suppose you can't say that the guy is a teenager anymore since he is 20 already, but considering he can live up to 500 years old I say he is still an infant) had very high self control. *gasp* posted by Arc 10:30:00 PM ![]()
Spring Retreat Joy
Came back from spring retreat yesterday. I have to admit it was much much much better than my prediction. I mean it's way over my expectation.
This was definately the best organized spring retreate I have ever went to. Go everyone who planned it. High lights of the camp: 1. Game time (it was fun and it forced me to run a lot) 2. I actually finished a new page in my comic book! 3. I got to page 50 in Crooked House 4. Camp fire was rather amusing (especially when Chris sang in really high tone and Anthony actually followed) 5. The speaker was not bad, he was pretty funny 6. I did not get too many zits on my face! 7. I did not see any spiders in the cabin 8. People stole Justin's pikachu 9. Food was good, especially the second breakfast 10. Rodrick being tortured by everyone else. lol. Yeah, as you can see I actually liked the camp!!! It's very amazing. posted by Arc 9:12:00 AM ![]()
Church Camp Blue
Ten minutes and I will be heading off to the church's spring camp. Can't say I am overly excited. Actually, can't say I am excited period.
I mean obviously I sort of enjoy the fact that I get to be somewhere else that is not home for two days, and I am excited about spring break, but I can't say I am really excited about this particular camp. For one thing Vannessa, for the first time in two years will not be at the camp. I don't really blame her but that would definately make my days a lot worst. Here are some predictions about this camp: -I will be bored during free time -I will try to spend my free time alone but then I will feel rather silly since this is suppose to be a camp and so I would think I should move around more -I will try to hang out of different people but will feel that I am not truely accepted so I will leave and go for another group -I will read very little although I try excessively hard to read -I will bring a lot of stuff to amuse myself but they won't really help stop making me feel lonely As you can tell I am not at all excited about this camp. All I see is the feeling of loneliness. It seriously sucks. >_< But then again I stop caring that much because really, this cannot get any worst than that 1998 camp where I felt excessively silly and dumb. Well at least now I will be able to amuse myself. Oh right, today I went to the councelling office about universities, guess what the stupid counceller told me to do? She told me that she did not understand what I was saying and that I should go to a quiet place to figure out what I want to know. Stupid counceller maybe next time I should tell them I feel like killing myself and see how she will act. posted by Arc 3:24:00 PM ![]()
I am sixteen going to seventeen
My 17th b-day is coming soon. Not that a birthday will change anything, but still at least I will get a dinner out of it. I already asked Laina about this, she said yes for sure. *I feel sort of bad guilt tripping her so much these days but that cannot be helped*.
I saw Steph. F. again yesterday. She can walk a little bit now, which is good, and I am happy for her. What is more, she is actually doing softball now, which is good. I talked to Henry about b-day dinner too, I told him he has to pay for himself but he does not need to give me anything. He said good, and said he will tell Derek for me. Vannessa actually remembered my b-day, that is so cool don’t you think? She said she will cerebrate with me on Monday, the day before she has to go. I feel sort of bad making her do that. Anyway, we are probably going to watch a movie. Very nice. posted by Arc 2:00:00 PM ![]()
Wishful thinkings: I am not in IB
TOK presentation is done and finished with. I am quite happy and glad about that. I will be getting report card soon and stupid chem is messing up my marks, that's why I am trying so hard now in chem.
ANYWAY, talked to Edward, but I don't know if that made me dislike him any less or more. I mean I understand the kind of people that he is, but man he is annoying sometimes although he does not realize it. What ever, he can be hated for all I care. Not that it matters to me. I mean I don' t even want to be a true scientist in the first place! I don't get why I am taking all three sciences, but oh well. Other news, I don't like group projects, but I think I made this pretty clear to my friends by now, hack, Henry was like: Group project? The moment he saw my MSN name which is: incompitent people. Ha I wish he is in my school sometimes, I want to see how good he can be here. Too bad he is still at Steveston. Or maybe I should just go back to Steveston. I sort of liked that school you know, but IB is really a one way trip, once you go in it's hard to get out. So I think I will stay in. I saw and talked to Steph F. on Saturaday, she can walk now. It's amazing. posted by Arc 5:07:00 PM ![]() |