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Happy Dreams
Had a really odd dream the night before. i think I should record this down here just becuase it's so... interesting.
I suppose this dream is sort of like that headless prince I am in love with but never talked to walking around Titanic and at the end throwing himself into the Hong Kong ocean. Or that dream with the three pricnes fighting each other for the throne, while I watch as a noble. This one is sort of cool thorugh... It was like Charlie and the Chocolate factory. But I got this crash class before teaching me how I should act in there. The owner of that place (who looked sort of like Mr. Wonka with his top hat and odd clothes) seemed to like me and was really kind to me. He was a lot less kind to the other people. Like the chocolate factory there are rules that people are suppose to follow in that palace to be safe, but unlike the chocolate factory "Mr. Wonka" did not warn anyone about anything except for me. You cannot drink the water there unless it is distilled water, and you cannot eat the ice cream cones there. He invited a bunch of people I know there and they all drank the water. I never know what happened to them only know that from the "crash course" I saw people (funny I actually know them very well, they are some adults from church) turn into dust at the command of "Mr. Wonka" because they drank the water. Oddly enough I was happy there. I think I was happy because I felt so special and loved. Made me feel kind of sad when I woke up. posted by Arc 9:09:00 PM ![]()
Work of the Devil
After working harder yesterday in my PRO-D day than I would have if I went to school, I just sat in front of my television and caught up with all those chinese Soap Opera episodes I missed.
Yes, I am extremely bitter about having a stupid Physic project due on a PRO-D day... I mean it should be my holiday!!!! What the hack?! Is that even legal to give students homework due on a holiday? Anyway, that soap is good. Almost the end, just four more episodes, and the main character girl is still in denial. Very bad situation. Laina turned down hanging out again. I suppose I should not be so bothered by that. After all, it's not like I did not expect her to go out with her boy friend on the long week end, but you know, I still sort of want to see her once in a while. She is my friend and I still consider her as my best friend even if I never see her now a days. I think the last time I saw her was maybe three weeks ago. I talked to her twice on msn and once on the phone (for ten minutes) since then. It's sad how I still love her like a best friend. But ever since I came to Canada I had not been really good with finding friends. I am accepted but still an outsider like Meursault from the Outsider... Who ended up being condamned by society... Well, perhaps I am expecting too much from her. After all, three hours in two weeks is just SO demanding. Especially when she is willing to spend countless hours with her boyfriend. I promise to who ever is out there that I will never be like that if I ever have a boyfriend. I will always remember about my real friends. No, after feeling the pain of being the best friend to a girl who forgets her bestfriend when her boyfriend is around I don't want any one to SUFFER through this. *cough yes if you are reading this Laina I am trying to put you in a guilt trip, though of course, chances are you probably will never read this so it really doesn't matter cough* I do realize the importance of Keith to Laina, and I know she should spend a lot of time with Keith, but I am only asking two hours of her time for each week. Is that too much to ask for? For heaven's sake I talk to Henry and Derek more than I talk to Laina sometimes! It's totally absurd. Joshua is boring again. I don't get why mom want me to go to fellowship so much. I think she doesn't understand that the more she foreces a religeion on someone the less the person want to believe. Call it human's nature or the work of the devil, I don't care, but it's true. I mean for a while I do want to believe, but the moment I get to fellowship I stop wanting to. People are so nice there but they also seem so fake, and none of my friends go to fellowship. I don't want to go, I don't feel any of them understand. When ever they listen to me it's only out of pity and I don't want any of their pity. But mother just does not understand. posted by Arc 11:40:00 PM ![]()
Hateful week: Physic restest, math test
Physics retest... I sincerely hope I did okay, but I am really not sure how I did.
For now those the throbing headache is really killing me. I am worry about tomorrow's math test. I hate this week. Happily though, I am not the only one who does hate this week. Talked to this guy who sat next to me the physics retest today. He hate IB students. He said they are lazy and they think too highly of themselves. I totally agree. IB students are awfully lazy and some do think WAY too highly of themselves. Oh yeah I saw Mr. Eastwood again on Monday and today. It seems he still have the same affect on the female population. Remembering how Eunice, Carmina, Kim, Alana used to scream his name when ever he comes into our classroom, it is not exactly surprising seeing him win the love of all the girls in my math class when he subbed in for Mr. Peter. Appearantly, Mr. Peter used to tutor Mr. Eastwood, saying he is gifted and stuff. It was really funny how Maggie then said next to me, "So he is hot and smart?" Jex wanted to take a pic with him but he refused. Jex then involved May, now May is totally embarrassed. Poor May. Henry said he is feeling "woozy" today, but I think I feel more "woozy" than he but that's beside the point. Oh yes, that stupid cough is not going away. I wonder if it ever will. posted by Arc 9:56:00 PM ![]()
I feel the Impending DOOM
i just slept for 2 nice hours. It was pretty nice after the lack of sleep I experienced in the past few days.
I absolutely HATE TOK. What is that class for again? What does it have to do with ANYTHING? I DON'T understand, and I doubt doing a few more essay would make me understand any better. I just wasted a total of three days on doing that TOK essay that I just handed in. I wonder how I did on it, but that's beside the point! I was completely stressed for three days because of this one stupid essay... And now of course I have to worry about other stupid stuff like my Physics retest tomrrow or math test on the next day OR that physics project due on a Pro-D day. posted by Arc 6:44:00 PM ![]()
Song stuck in my head
Am listening to Our Lady Peace's CD Gravity over and over and over again. It's a good band. But now songs are stuck in my head. ><
posted by Arc 3:41:00 PM ![]()
Chinese Soap Reloaded
I spent lots of time choosing pictures for each of my music folder. It's definitely a function I enjoy in XP. Another nice function is the fact the tool bars are all bubblely looking now. The third thing I like about XP is probably the fact it unzips stuff three times faster for me now. All I need to do is click on a zip file and va-la its unzipped!
Am watching another short Chinese soap. I finally found one I really like!!! I don't know why but I never liked long shows that much... probably because I cannot watch the whole thing due to time. I like watching something that is short so I can actually know the ending without wasteing too much time... Like most shows I like these days this show is about lawyers (I like mordern show, but sometimes oldern shows too if they are funny and about some professional). This also have some fluffy romance. I am so glad they are finally showing something I like. I can finally have something to look forward to (about one and a half years late but that's okay, at least they showed improvement... they used to show stuff three years old here). This one is basically about this woman who used to live this dream like life after giving up her education (she was really smart and was doing really well in law school) and marrying this really rich guy. She got pregnant and then that guy slept with another woman, and she lost everything along with her baby. Okay fast forward five years, now you see the same woman working at a law firm and about to take the exam for the lawyer license. She is pretty successful now. And guess what? That lawyer who defended her ex-husband (and therefore the reason why she lost everything all those years ago) is about to become a new partner in the firm she worked in.... You get the idea, the two end up falling in love at the end. The story line is excessively predictable, but you know what? I like predictable stuff sometime because it's nice and fluffy. It's my dose of mellowdrama. Very good for me, especially in this time of utter stress. The show was funny too, considering you also have another couple: a shy dorky bucktooth lawyer, and a bossy ambitious lawyer, the other two owners of the firm. They were excessively funny because that guy was so shy and that woman hates him so much at the end. Anyway, talking about a show like this makes me sound dorky too. But what ever, you can think what every you like (a few days ago I finally realized why Henry said I called him a 'lucky bastard' I wrote it in this blog. He must had been reading some of this). posted by Arc 1:47:00 AM ![]()
Window XP Fun
I am in the process of finally changing my computer system from Window 2000 to Window XP. I honestly don't mind 2000 at all, in fact I like it more than XP, but now a days so many different donwloads are only avaliable for XP and lately my computer had been messing up big time.
I mean I just got a video card. It's nice and all but 2 days after it had been running really smoothly my beloved AVI files stop working on DIVX. It cause quite a panic, I must say. School is okay this week other than that stupid TOK essay, TOK presentation, Physics project, Physics tests and ultermately the report card looming over the horizon. My dad came back and now I have some new Yugioh books and a lot of new Detective Academy books. They are all so new and shiny (amazingly yugioh characters actually looked okay in the new manga). posted by Arc 4:58:00 PM ![]() |