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Kitchen drains and stuff
Ah time for my blog entry again since something sort of amusing happened today.
The kitchen drains jammed today, the blockage is so far into our pipe system that no pumping will help us now. I think the problem lies in the fact that our kitchen is very far from the main water drain, which is near our washrooms, at the other side of the house. Someone from church who does drains and stuff came and helped. He worked for hours trying to poke this really long piece of metal spring into the drain to unplug the system. But that clearly did not work since water is still not going through. Anyway, talked a bit to Henry today. He sounds happy because he finished his Biology provincial. Lucky bastard. He finished 2 provincials already, meaning next year he wouldn't need to worry much unlike me. Sigh... Okay I also just found out today that there is not unconditional acceptance to UBC for me next year. Damn it! Why the stress?! That's not fair. >_< why can't I finish the course two years ago? Oh other news... I volunteered yesterday.. which is really not much of a big news but what ever. It's still sort of interesting... I suppose. Naruto manga is getting really interesting now. I like it. And I should really really go and finish physics but I don't feel like it. Haha. This is bad. posted by Arc 11:42:00 PM ![]()
Happy Monkey New Year for me
Woot! Chinese new year is here. I went to the night market yesterday and got spoiled by my God grandmother and God aunt. I mean really really spoiled. How often do you get a whole miniture Naruto figure set for doing nothing? And how often do you aquire new pens for doing absolutely nothing? And how often do you get both along with a pencil case in one night?
Man I was totaly spoiled. ^_^;;;; Anyway... Happy Monkey New Year!!!! posted by Arc 9:43:00 AM ![]()
Cruel Irony: Calculator
Don't you hate it when irony becomes excessively cruel to you?
How often is it that your graphic calculator would crash, loose all its memories, and then run out of batteries in a test. And after all that you find out that all your back up batteries don't work... and the clock is ticking and half of your tests requires a graphing calculator? Can you believe that happened to me today at my math FINALS!??? I tell you if there is a God up there he is extremely cruel, lets just hope that God would have enough grace to let me get a good mark dispite my insane rush to the finish. Please God! I really need this mark! I have been studying! Please give me a good mark in a test that counts for 20% of my term marks. Please! posted by Arc 10:53:00 PM ![]()
Bad day
Ahhh... Laina visited me yesterday. It was good.
But today is bad. Everything I got back from school is bad. Ah well. There's nothing I can do about anything. Geeze my whole family is crying right now. Brother because he failed his piano history exam again, I because of this talk with mom, and by the looks of things mom may start crying soon too. posted by Arc 7:08:00 PM ![]()
Chronic Depression
Mood: Depressed
This is stupid, I can't get Laina out of my head, and I don't even understand why. I mean who cares if she doesn't hang out with me any more? It is only natural that she finds someone she likes better, right? Besides, friends come and go, I should be used to that by now... why the hack do I feel so much regret? Geeze, I should just move on. Why can't I? And every day I just sink deeper into depression because of this. Hack I had been depressed the whole week because of this. I mean it's not like I don't know how to amuse myself alone either. I know exactly how to amuse myself, but this non-human contactness is starting to get to me. Well I suppose I do have contact with people - it's just that this depression is stopping me from enjoying people's company. I want to enjoy them you know but now a days I am just too depressed to actually enjoy anyone's company. Even during swimming I can't get out of my depression. Some times I just smile because I am afraid if I don't smile I will forget how soon. I should enjoy Jex's company during lunch time and stuff, but in stead I feel more annoyed sometimes because her talks about her friend just make me realize more how lonely I am. I should also enjoy Regina's company more too. She is really nice, but then my brain is just so strain by everything. I don't feel like talking much now a days. Sigh. I should get back to my homework. posted by Arc 4:55:00 PM ![]()
It's snowing! It's snowing! And the old man is...
Ooops sorry I cannot help myself. I just have to say that it's snowing and had been snowing for the whole day and that the ice on the ground from last week has yet to melt and that... it has been unnatrually cold for the last whole week!!! It's sooo amazing! I still can't believe it's snowing. posted by Arc 6:58:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I need to be back to school tomorrow. *sob*
I also finished reading The Outsider otherwise known as The Stranger. It's better than I thought. The book really bought in some good points, and I think the person who wrote that must have had a lot of fun writing that book. It's funny how that guy always talk about how hot he felt and how unbearable the heat is in the book. I know exactly how he feels like. I had been searching for Sakusasu sites, you can't blame me, I am just like another other anime fangirls, I like couplings in Anime - except I don't like gay couplings like other fangirls do. That is also not my fault - I am just conservative in nature and you cannot blame me for that. Besides, it's widely known that Sakusasu is one of the favorite straight coupling for Naruto in Japan. I just don't get why people would like to break them up. I mean I can see why they may put Sakura and Naruto together, or how they like putting Lee and Sakura together, but Garaa and Sakura?! Neji and Sakura?! What the hack?! I never really understand why people would like breaking apart the official couplings. Okay fine - I did that for Pokemon, but that's Pokemon and I don't think you can really consider that anime as a true anime (besides you can argue whether or not Misty is suppose to be with Ash now - she left in the show). Other than that though, I never like breaking up official couplings for non-official couplings. Too bad not everyone thinks like I do or else I would read a lot more fanfics. =/ posted by Arc 11:36:00 PM 0 comments![]() |