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Sunday, November 30, 2003
Have been putting my site up for maintanance... It's at it's finally stage now. I am so happy. ^_^
posted by Arc 3:19:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I finished making this layout! Wow I am so proud of myself.
Oops my mistake, this layout is not done but it is nearly done. Yay. ^_^ It's getting late. Thank god I don't have to wake up at five tomorrow. posted by Arc 12:23:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Yo! It's 7 in the morning and I am typing in school! Isn't IB so exciting? *sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm*
In any case I hate mac. There's nothing I hate more than computers at school because I just can't type with this kind of key board. I typed 2 freaking sentenses and I already made 20 mistakes. >< I don't understand lord, my make apple computers where there are PC? Why? WHY? WHY? Also why can't school just be NORMAL and get PC instead of iMac - with this evil key board that doesn't work? Oooo father said for Christmas I get a really cool new monitor (very mall monitor but at least it will be nice and flat screen and take up about 1/10 space... W007! Oh I ate with Ramza's family yesterday. We had so much food! I bet you that dinner costed $200 or something! There's so much food... yummmm.... Oh TOk is about to start. Damn it. posted by Arc 7:07:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Okay any .Hack//sign fans must watch .Hack//gift! It's the funniest thing in the world! I love it! It's a parady of the series and game! It's great!
And for all you Subaru/Tsukasa fans go watch episode 28 - they are dance quite happily together. It was really cute. posted by Arc 4:02:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I have came to a new conclusion about Harry Potter - JK Rowling must have gotten tons of ideas from The books of magic. In this comic done a few years BEFORE Harry Potter (so you insane fans stay away from me) the main character called Tim curiously looks and acts like Harry Potter. To prove my points I will do a comparation.
Tim Hunter: -Brown / Dark haired (differ from pictures to picture) -has the potential to be the world's most powerful magician/sorcerer -His family was scared of him becuase of his magic and thus rejects him -His brother is really fat and really likes eating -He wear glasses -He has profound power over the world, in other words the future lies in his hands. -Everyone wants him dead Harry Potter -Dark haired -He waers glasses -May become the strongest wizard in the world -Used to live with his uncle and aunts who were scared of him because his "abnormalies" -His cousin is over weight and really likes eating -He has profound affect on the world. He is "the one" -Voldermort and every other dark wizard wants him dead Okay if you can't see the similarity then I don't know who you are. Oh if you want to see some pictures of Tim and decide for yourself whether or not he looks like Harry Potter go here. There's another series that continues after 'The Books of Magic' and this series is called 'Hunter: The Age of Magic' go here for pictures and information. I am going to hunt this series down for myself sooner or later. posted by Arc 11:50:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Writing (okay it's more like typing) in the library again. Isn't this wonderful?
Oh and just for your information. Today I am stranded in the library until six thirty (life sucks). Anyway, just want to comment on my guilt for the last few weeks (surprisingly that is the theme for that new chapter of A Gifted Child). I think I have really lost hope for society, and especially in myself. I think I am hopeless. Sometimes, there are people who are just so perfectly nice to me but inside I am laughing at them, saying how stupid they are. I find them annoying, I dislike them. I don't know if thost thoughts show through, maybe they do to some extend, if they did show through then well those people are certainly taking those feelings well. I feel bad for thinking that way of course. I shouldn't feel that way, first of all, especially when that person is just that nice to me, and I would be lonely if it were not for them. Yet there I am, everyday thinking about how stupid they are... Maybe I am just too vain, too proud. And I must admit I do have some pride (all humans must have a certain amount of that to stay to survive). Now perhaps they are thinking exactly the same thing inside, thinking of how stupid I am, and how egotistic, vain and horrible I am - while I can imagine those feeligs in one of those friend, I am pretty sure the other one does not think this way... Maybe that's why I am hanging around her a lot. I think she is harmless... Ha! Just wait. I bet you anything she turns out to be vitious and evil at the end. It's just my luck I tell you. Just my freaking luck. Okay now I am just insanely paranoid. So I better just shut up. posted by Arc 4:38:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Just want to tell record how today is the first swimming practice after about five to six months of no swimming (well okay fine I did actually swam 3 days a month in May and June but honestly, that's all I did).
In any case, it was nice to go back to swimming. I can't believe how much time I actually get to talk to myself underwater. It was plain brilliant. ^_^;; posted by Arc 8:32:00 PM 0 comments![]() |