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Monday, September 29, 2003
I got 80 percent in my math test becuase I am stupid and careless. I tell you the truth if I would just check over my damn answers then I would have gotten at least 94 percent instead of 80. I am so stupid. I just want to kill myself right now.
Thankfully two of my friends from my old school visited me today. I don't think they knows how much that cheered me up that today. We watched Naruto and see Henry play Diablo and stuff. By I think I just found a new obssession last week becuase of Derek (grrrrr, I should kill him for this becuase now I will have to spend a lot of money): Naruto. It was a cool anime with cute guys. It was like love in first sight... Garaa looks so much like Micheal from Angel Sanctuary... I wonder if Garraa is based on him or something ^_^;;. The one of the main characters: Sasuke... He is so pretty looking.... so cute! Beats Naruto himself by a lot! So he may not be as strong as Naruto becuase he has no demons inside him but oh well... When I watch the show I feel like the girls in the show, becuase appearantly every single girl that meet him blushes or something. Ah well... he deserves to be loved. posted by Arc 7:37:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I worked on my fanfictions a lot this week end but still nothing is really done. *sigh... oh well* What as sort of cool was that someone asked me to join their webring. ^_^ She was also really nice about it saying that my site is good.
As for school work... I was not too productive this week end. I was sort of lazy and decided to look at the computer more than not. That sort of resulted badly... but oh well. In math test I got such a low marks. Stupid me. The bad thing is that I know all of those questions. I just so nervous that I hyper ventilate and then I end up making idiotic mistakes and not getting an A. But I am going to make up for that in the coming test... hopefully. -_-; I just got a CD I traded. I am happy. So I am thinking I will trade again with some other person. posted by Arc 2:40:00 PM 0 comments![]()
School... I don't know, I suppose I like it generally. It is as good as it can be going to a new school with no friends or anyone I know. I like the teachers and I can stand most of my classmates. It's just that these days I am not swimming anymore and combind with the fact that I don't get to see my friends any more, it has drained me emotionally. Today, I just stared crying when I was in an instrument shop becuase my musical brother wants to get drum sticks. You see I don't play any instruments. I didn't even want to go but then my mom wanted me to... so I did. But what it reminded me was that while my brother have music which he is proud in I have nothing anymore. Nothing at all.
I used to have swimming but this year I stopped so I guess I don't have that either. You know by the end last school year I was already hardly swimming. I thought I can drop swimming just like that and I would be fine. I suppose I would be if I didn't change school too... but I did and suddenly two of the most important parts of my life - my best friend and swimming just disappeared in thin air. Now I have nothing that defines me. Damn it! Tears are flowing from my eyes again! I want to talk to my friend Laina so much! But I know she is not home. She is never home now a days. She is always at her boyfriend's or something. She is never there anymore! And I know I can't blame her. She doesn't have to hang around me when she finds better company... and I know she doesn't want to be around me that much anyway... And I know, no matter what I do my firends will one day leave in some ways and that one day we won't be friends anymore... But I can't help it that I want to talk to her. I just want to talk to some one... Anyone who would understand me perfectly. And she is the only one who would that I know in real life. Everyday when I go to school I always thinks how wonderful it would be if Laina is there. And I would then realize that she is not there... And I know that soon my place would probably gone in Laian's heart too and I just can't help it but feel so sad. I mean I already taken over in her heart by her boyfriend. She doesn't care for my existance half as much anymore anyway. But I can't help it if I can't find a friend who I like as much as I like her... posted by Arc 3:17:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Second week was school gone by relatively good. I hope I didn't do too bad in my math test. I am not asking for perfection here... I just want a low A... come on! I am not asking for too much am I? God will surely grant me that right? And it was sort of odd becuase I know I understand the math. I got the math quite easily, it's just that I can't do anything under presure. I think I will work on a few more questions tonight. I have a lot of problems with the three variable questions becuase I can never get the right answer in them.
The other classes were not bad. I finished pretty much everything I needed to early. I don't procracinate as much any more... Let's see how long that can last eh? posted by Arc 10:05:00 AM 0 comments![]()
IB... I got in, of course, but now I am worried that it is a wrong choice for me. I see people who totally success in IB and I see peopel who totally fails in IB. So which one am I? The success or the failure?
Anyway, let the depressing thoughts be away. No more shoudl I think of them... I can't believe Bard on the Beach tickets are all sold out! *sob* I can't believe it! I wanted to see it so badly. Oh well... posted by Arc 8:59:00 AM 0 comments![]()
School began.
And this time I am at a brand new school with people who I don't know at all. I lied in my fanfiction. The truth is, there is no way anyone can really, truely get used to going to new school. Even when you went to six different schools in your life, and you never stay in a school longer than three and a half years. I think I will go insane when school really starts again. Everything in IB sounds so hard, but as the History teacher said, if I don't try, I will never know if I can do this. So here I come. I hope I will be able to do some fanfiction the coming week... um hopefully. If I do then it would be great. Ah school is so heavy, such a heavy burden.... grrr... Ah I was cleaning out my computer yesterday and I found this. I thought this was funny so have a read: gokuskameha1313:: i own all mods ahhahahahha pokemon2k:: ............-...............-...............-...............-............... pokemon2k:: Hahahh pokemon2k:: I own all Admins gokuskameha1313 left pokemon2k:: *R says, I own j00!* Ori:: you think so.... RK9 Dragon:: Exactly. pokemon2k:: Yup. pokemon2k:: So if R owns me. JDZ 83 joined pokemon2k:: R you are he right? Umbra Kagesombra:: apprently he is not as owning as he would have you think pokemon2k left Umbra Kagesombra:: and apprently he is not as owning as he thinks either. posted by Arc 4:42:00 PM 0 comments![]() |