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Saturday, August 30, 2003
There's a garage sale at church today. I am dead tired now, after standing for so long. Got a bunch of small stuff toys there. I ate watermelon, it was good.
I think I will go watch Pirates of the Caribbean on Monday with my brother and maybe Laina. I will be going to Bard on the Beach next week... um hopefully with Laina, Steph F. and Venessa. Camp was actually pretty good last week. The weather was great, and best of all, I went there before there was that camping ban due to that horrible forest fire in BC. This year the weather is rather dry and hot, making everything burn 10 times easier than last year. A few hundred houses were damaged, oh well... at least no lives were lost. A few days ago I saw From Hell with Laina. It may have been a good movie but then the lighting in the movie was so bad that I could not see anything. Nothing at all. All I could see was a lot of red and a lot of green. I tell you the truth I really think they over used those colour imagery. As Laina said we could only see about 1/3 of everything in the screen. The story line was pretty interesting though, I must adimit, but really, they need more light. I decided not to go to the BBQ on Friday, Laina just wasn't there and no fire was allow, so it was not fun at all. There's now two entries in my guest book. I am happy about that. Keep signing people. =P posted by Arc 5:17:00 PM 0 comments![]()
The camp wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I will talk more in the morning.
posted by Arc 12:32:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Here's a reivew I wrote for the book I talked of earlier:
I just happened upon this book a few days ago, thinking that the concept of a dragon taking human form pretty interesting. This is the first book I have ever read by the author, so I cannot compare this with her other books. What I have to admit is that I am rather impress. I am so use to reading big thick 300 pages book (they usually ended up being a classic) that I have forgotten the fun in reading one with less than 150 pages. The two main characters characters are highly likable. Alys is courageous and not your normal perfect, totally righteous, helpless demsal. As for Selendrile, he characteristic is as shady as a shadow, making a reader wonder whether he was trustworthy or not, and his intentions. He was also suppose to be handsome too so that also gives him some points (it was totally amusing seeing girls and woman alike falling for him). The story line, I have to admit is a bit too much of a cliche at times, I can actually predict what will happen at the end, but sometimes I actually like short predictable stories, they are fun and they make you happy. You know you can count of them for not having any real tragety, well at least none that would make you sad and gloomy for the rest of the day. I also have to admit this book is perhaps too short, with the plot Dragon's Bait has, I think this book could at least be 200 pages, if not 250 (considering how Harry Potter the fifth book is 700 plus pages of half junk). She definately has the material to write that much. I am not complaining though, at least the book has a fast pace and has absolutely no dragging parts. The author left a lot of room for a sequel but it has been years since this book was first publish and still no sequel. But perhaps it is better this way, sequels are often disappointing, not because I do not believe in the Vivian Vande Velde's ability to write a good sequel, but I know, from experience that sequels seldom produces the an ending I desire. So perhaps it is best that Dragon's Bait ended where it did, at a point that leave readers plenty of room for imagination. posted by Arc 1:28:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I totally forgot to talk about Playland some days ago. Anyway that day was great I went to Benny, Henry and Derek. We had a great time, sharing one of those Hellevator coke bottle thing for $8 (actually I didn't play I was being cheap and refused to pay, so the others bought it instead, I ended up being able to drink from the bottle anyway later though). We ended up having like 15 refills. Isn't that great? Quite amazing I tell you, but then again that was half of our lunches and half of our dinner so really we needed those sugar.
Oh and if you are wondering due to the fact that Henry's dad is driving us we ended up staying in Playland for ten long hours. Yes that's right from the moment it opened to the moment it closed. Isn't that just great? We went on the wooden coaster a lot of times (Henry was started laughed manically the first few times he went on becuase he sort of flipped becuase of fear, and that log ride thing (Benny and Henry seemed to be trying to kill each other by splashing each other, and accidentally involving Derek who, as we all know would never do anything like splashing people), and pirate ship (where Henry refused to sit at the side and when we finally got him to he told us to talk about Anime the whole time, I decided to start a conversation about how anime characters tend to fall through the air a lot), Hellevator (I screamed my head of because I hate this ride so much), that red coasters (boring and short, not scary at all), Hell's gate (and got ourself all soaking wet with Henry screaming his head off). So that's my report on Playland. I will talk about this book I read yesterday later. It was a darn good book. So... Oh it's a sweet sweet book. posted by Arc 10:10:00 AM 0 comments![]()
I watched a Chinese Movie today. An old one, but not that old. It's called Sealed with a Kiss.
Very sad movie. The whole movie has a very slow pace but that doesn't mean it is a bad movie. I mean I didn't really like it in the beginning but I surely finds the ending great. I suppose you can also say I like the way it was filmed. It is filmed to show how little clips of life makes the big picture. Gosh the ending is so darn sad. I mean that guy is already mute with no parents - his father died in a ship accident then his mother left him for another man. He is so nice but he doesn't get the girl, his friend left him for England, and then at then end he got stabbed, and might also have realized at the end that the woman he loved got married and had a kid. How much sadder can you get? posted by Arc 12:37:00 AM 0 comments![]()
I should seriously write about Playland but I am still too tired and lazy to do so, maybe tomorrow.
These days I am very lazy. I don't feel like doing anything, but really it's not my fault. It is all because school is going to start again soon and this time I am going to a brand new school without Laina and without friends. I know I am being a hypocrit, I mean I chose to change school myself but I don't know why, I still feel sort of scared. I suppose, changing school almost every three years took it's toll, I think I am starting to be cared of changes. Yet, for some reasons, I am often the one pushing myself to go to a new school. Church women are all starting to comment on how I am much more talkertive these days. I tell you the truth, sometimes I just talk to them because I realize how much advantages you can get for talking. It is my revolution, I suppose, I have realized how intelligents old sayings are. I realized, just when summer was about to start, how much it is better to know who hates you but don't show who you hate in the world. What they don't know won't hurt them. Oh yes, I watched the Ring with Laina today after going to Starbucks and getting my icy cold Chocolate Malt Frap. posted by Arc 10:26:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I went to Playland today, but I am too tired to talk about it. More details tomorrow.
posted by Arc 9:52:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Oh i went and leveled up on Diablo. I got to level 31 right now. Not bad for one day.
Um... still reading Hound of Baskervilles. I actually finished writing 2 pages of A Gifted Child chapter 7. There's not much more to say except I don't feel like working at all and that Henry invited me to go to Playland on Friday, but I don't have a ride so that might be a problem. posted by Arc 9:49:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Two days ago I saw Tomb Raider in the theator. It is rated 14A. Can you believe that stupid ticket seller wouldn't let me buy the ticket? She said I have to have an ID! I can actually understand why I need an ID if I am 14 but I am not 14 any more. I am way past that age and plus no one ever check ID for a 14A movie. It's not like it is rated R or something.
Ironic that I actually went to a R movie no problem before... I just downloaded a lot of brushes for Photoshop. May I use them well. I am revising so insanely old pokemon one shot. It is a actually a pretty good story... just that... of course, it's pokemon. Oh well I am weird, so I may as well live up to my title, eh? posted by Arc 2:00:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I want to contact Laina. I want to contact Laina. I want to contact Laina.
But she is not home. It's so darn hard to find her these days. Grrrrr. And by the way I had a great time out with Venessa yesterday. We had fish and chips, went swimming and then we shopped at some old book store, antique shop, and even thrieft stores (yes, we are both economically capable). Oh yes, did I mention we are weird? Dad gave me some math to do again. Ah, the beauty of algebra. I downloaded more anime, three episodes to be exact. Ryu is still showing up in DDS. I was quite dissapointed. I really like Ryu. I really want to see him, actually I was only watching DDS becuase of Ryu. They are smart though, they always put a one minute clip about Ryu at the end of each episode, making me download the whole thing. I gave 10K to Henry on Diablo. Aren't I generous? Oh this author on ff.net said that she will finish this pokemon story I like. ^_^ I am very happy about that. I am not saying I like pokemon, but then I like her story very much. posted by Arc 7:19:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I moved all of my furnitures around in my room.
In doing so I am also digging out a bunch of super old stuff from my draws. I happened up on some drafts of my old pokemon fanfictions from way back when - they were absolutly horrible. The grammar was so bad I was surprised - I mean, when I wrote them, I obviously did not think I had that many grammar mistakes. I thought I was writing perfectly - but no! My writing was just plain horrible! I don't think anyone who was born in North America and drew up in North America can actually imagine how horrible my English was. I must admit, however, that I did put SOME planning into those stories, for they usually make sense, only very much a cliche at times.... but plot wise, considering the fan fic quality of majority of the fanfics on ff.net it was average - just the grammar and the spelling: yicks! The dust is making my eyes water. I wish I don't have allergy to dust and stuff, but since I do I guess there's nothing I can do about that. But I think that's very off topic. Anyway, I went to Ikea and bought some wooden boards to make a shelf and a cool looking laundry beg (honestly, it's cool looking). I will add more later. posted by Arc 10:54:00 PM 0 comments![]() |