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4/5 marks out, Christmas
4/5 marks out so far and holy crap a miracle obviously happened. How did I managed to get these marks anyway?! Are they even my marks?! I seriously cannot believe my eyes.
After all those angsting I did over my midterms (yes, I did bad in every single one of them other than accounting) a month and a half back these marks is very encouraging indeed. I have never been good at doing finals since I can never cencentrate properly, so I had really low hopes in doing good in this term. But no, actually, so far, my average for this term is higher than all of my previous terms. As if that is not happy enough, that 4 gig memory stick finally came!!!! I was really starting to think Gorfie lied about the whole putting my name in to get a card thing, but no, he really did get it in. I think I will send him a thank you card later. And then to add to my holiday mood I had something to do every single day since holiday began. I got a new hair cut, and this time it actually looks nice on me (ANOTHER miracle). I would even say this is money well spent despite this costing me $100CAN... so I guess that's ~$600HK and that's with a nice discount already! I spent a lot of money buying gifts for a bunch of relatives this year. Honestly my gifts to them are more expensive than the stuff I bought for my friends this year. I am not sure what caused this but more or less it's due to mother's constant nagging this year. HenHen is back from US for Christmas I saw him once already. He seems well. He is seriously getting better and better dressed every single time I see him. Thinking back to what he used to wear a few years back, the improvement is amazing. I have no hopes for Christmas gifts this year. I really don't. I think every single one of the gifts will be a disappointment. And I really don't care about quantity of gifts any more. I just want one or two really good gifts, but I highly doubt I will get those. I think if I want anything I will have to buy them myself. I want to buy a stereo system for boxing day and possibly a monitor. I really want a monitor. <.< 15 inch is simply not enough for this day and age esp for something who loves doing graphic like me. Past wed was my parents' 25th anniversary. We had this insane dinner at a Chinese resturant. We had everything from shark fins to lobsters to fried baby pidgeons or something like that. It was absolutely awsome. I bought flowers for my mother at Josie and gave Josie a Christmas card. I went to see Beauty and the Beast with Antho the past week too. For a community production it was quite good. But obviously it was no where near the quality of actual disney production or broadways stuff, but bla, for its price it was still pretty good. We had all you can eat sushi afterwards. Since we ordered too much we had to hide some food in the end. Let's see... what else to say? Oh right I saw Tony yesterday for the first time since... I don't know when. We talked for a while outside at the gate. It was semi awkward in the beginning cause I think we both don't know how exactly to act. I almost left right away. I also left Viv's gift at her door since no one answered the phone or door... Though I must have just missed her (okay, I have to admit that's very optimistic thinking there) cause she replied my text msg almost right away after I left. I worked quite a bit the past week. It was okay I guess. Everything was moving along really slowly cause lots of ppl went on vacation already. And oh yes... Welcome to NHK fansub is now complete! I saw episode 24 sub (I saw the raw last week already) this morning and it was really awsome. That was a great end to a great show. Episode 11 of Code Geass was very impressive too. There's finally some great CC action! I love CC she is so great. Anyone who is willing to say, "man sleep on the floor" to Lulu is awsome. In this episode CC seems to have gained further respect from Lulu, so for that I very happy Episode 12 of Iroha was also really awsome. I liked it more than episode 10 even though episode 10 has the awsome animation. I am not going to rave about it here, since I think Wao already did my share of fanning adaquately for this episode on the animesuki forum. So in short this week has just been a remarkably awsome week. I hope I get to enjoy similar awsome weeks in the future. posted by Arc 2:23:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Obsession / Finals / Separations
I am completely and utterly obsessed with this anime called Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto. Along with Wao, we created a fansite: http://irohaheya.blogspot.com/ As you can see we are both way too much in love with this series
I had 4 finals done, and on Friday I will do my last one. i am super scared about this because it's econ and we all know I can't do econ. Onto the real reason why I am making this update. All my friends seem to be leaving. I am kind of depressed over that, I have to admit. First was Vanessa, and then Craxy_Inc and Ynnej, and then now it's Antho and A.'s turn. I am shellshocked really, I knew about A, a while back, but Antho? No, no, THAT is a total surprise. I mean, I knew he would go on a work term else where one of these days, but I didn't think it would happen this quick. But in deeper consideration, it is actually something I should thank God about because for the last few months he has been hating school pretty bad. If he stays in school for another term I think he may actually quit. A work term away is probably exactly what he needs. I will see them both before they leave for sure and that makes me happier (actually, now that I think about it, the fact no one else at church seems to know the news last night makes feel happy too [although he probably just told me because I was on line and he was excited about his new job]). On the bright side, now I have someone to see Beauty and the Beast with. I was going to to see the musical with or without a companion - I have been looking forward to see the musical for a while, ever since I read the original Beauty and the Beast back in September - but having someone to see it with definately make me look forward to seeing the show even more. posted by Arc 1:36:00 PM 0 comments![]() |