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Watched Faust the Opera today. Yes. Opera. You read right.
Story wise, I think the play is better, but the music, lighting, stage props/setup is absolutely brilliant in this opera. posted by Arc 11:42:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Please excuse my angry rant
Finals ended. I would be over the top happy except I know I will have to work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, meaning I still have to go to UBC AND summer school is starting in a bit more than one week AND I don't want to know how I did in any of my tests.
I really have no idea. I hope I did relatively well. I am not asking for perfection but at least above average. I don't want to be average and I don't want to be below average like I was in Japanese. Honestly, I don't think I am below average in the four classes I took this semester, but you never know how much you may screw up in the final. I have studied quite hard for the econ test though, so if I screwed this test up too badly I would be quite angry. Please, God, have pity on me and let the TA who marks my test be in a very good mood when marking my paper. I think one of these days I will go to Kenneth's church and do a confession. I don't know why, but I have always liked that idea. It's a ritual, quite unnecessary in the protestant point of view but I think that exact point is one of my twisted motivations. I suppose, it would be an act of rebellion, how ever small, against the church I have been attending in the last 9 years of my life (yes i am pitiful, and i know it. rebelling against church by going to a confession is a messed up concept and to outsiders not a rebellion at all, I know.)? Lately, I have been rather cynical and weary view about church. I don't really want to go any more and the only string tying me to church right now is friends... okay perhaps a particular friend... Haha if he knows it would be somewhat awkward. In truth, I just like talking to him. Though i think he finds me annoying but is too polite to say anything. Went to the Pride and Prejudice forum the other day and those people discussed about sex. Wow what a sex-starved society we live in today! People no longer understand the concept of platonic love before marriage and abstinence. They still exist. Just because there are many people who sleep with each other at an early age, doesn't mean everyone does it. God. I read/skimmed Hot Gimmicks for escapism from finals and because too many fanfictions give references to that manga series. I don't like that series at all. The guys in that series only think about sex. God, please tell me that's not the only thing real guys think about all the time. Tell me they think about other things. Oh and Deathnote is finally ending. Yay. Light is dead. I am not unhappy I must admit. Light fans are going bullistic. That's funny to watch. Come on people, Light is meant to die from day 1, don't be in denial anymore and say that this manga will have an extra arc or that the death god just wrote his name on a fake deathnote. LIGHT. IS. DEAD. Near lives. Near wins. We know Near will win because the author made Near much more likeable and must less psychotic by redrawing Near in all of his early scenes. He is meant to be a more honourable and considerate person than Light and L and Mello. It's done for a purpose. It's done so he can actually stand as a sort of symbol of wisdom and voice of the author (ie) he values life, he doesn't believe in death sentenses, he doesn't believer Kira is right, he stands by his believes, he knows about the relativity of justice, he doesn't lie. I would write a longer essay on that except I have already exeeded my Deathnote essay limit in forums. Wow! I don't even know I have that much anger in me but I do. I am sorry if my post is not my normal thoughtful post but an extremely angry rant. Now for something less angry... I saw Aren today. We talked about the story again. His drawing skill is improving. Mine is too. But he is definately improving and probably more. He is a really amazing artist. His brother is really funny. He laughs a lot and is quite delightful in that respect. Jenny left for China. I hope her a good life. I may go to China too if I am lucky enough to be chosen to go to this trip -- only a few can go. It would be so awsome if that happens. I think the chances are quite slim though. But man I have not wanted something so strongly for a while. If I get to go, I can totally understand the whole Christian concept of "God's plan." I won't go so far as to say I will go and get beptized. Of course not, but the event will definately be filed away as a possible prove of God. posted by Arc 11:01:00 PM 0 comments![]() |