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Hanging in there
Inspiration comes from the oddest sourse sometimes.
You would think hell is freezing over before a math teacher would say something that really make you feel better. It i odd, but Mr. P asked me about how it was, and rather IB was still evil. I told him i is, and he told me to hang in there. That made me feel a lot better than before, when all I could think about the the hour before and during math class was jumping out a building and going splat. Strange how little encouragements can go such a long way. posted by Arc 6:56:00 PM 0 comments![]()
I am putting in another entry because something amused me. Here is something a fanfiction writer wrote in his/her fanfiction:
"I am only flunking English because I slacked off on my homework to write fanfiction and so I am approximately two months behind on it and have my first and only F in any class, ever. I view this as incredibly funny, though, because I normally love irony, when it doesn’t happen to me, so this is probably some sort of cosmic retribution. My parents do not know, and if I work my ass off they will never find out." I don't know why that is funny to me, but I guess finding out someoen is having the same problem as me makes me happy. You know, its the 'YES! Someone is suffering with me!' mentality, not nice, but who cares. Okay, fine I am NOT failing. But I am not getting a good mark in math and mandarin right now. Why? Basically because I did not study in the my first Mandarin test. But after seeing my mark I went into frantic studying for the second one. I probably never worked that hard on a Mandarin test ever before. But that's beside the point. The thing is... I got a relatively good mark there, not perfect but an A nevertheless. Same thing goes with English, I screwed up in the first essay so I went and study extra hard the next one. I have a feeling it will happen for math too, since I screwed up my mark in the second test. The funny thing of coruse, is that I sacrificed my math test for the history test, which I still did not get a good mark on. But then again no one in the class did. So I am okay with that. I did find, though, that I am good at article tests. I am very bad at the essay test... but than so are majority of the people. Oh I did not get the scholarship. Damn. I guess its God's will. posted by Arc 8:44:00 PM 0 comments![]()
A bunch of stuff
I actually wrote a post a few days earlier but got deleted. Stupid computer.
Anyway, the next few weeks will be filled with nothing be insanity as it becomes insanely busy and demanding. I need to finish Extended Essay, World Lit 1, 2 Mandarin projects, English poetry project, math portfolio, group 4, math test, chem test, everything... bla bla bla.... Give me time management or else I die. *yes, that's my lame attempt to allusion* Okay I will just write down my random thoughts at the moment: Mom came back from HK. Brought back a lot of pretty new looking second handed clothes. I don't mind wearing them, they fit me well, so who cares if someone else owned them before? I downloaded Paranoia Agent. It's pretty odd, but I heard people liked it that's why I am downloaded it, but I don't have time to watch it. I am going to go to Winter Formal! Can you believe it?! I said a month ago I would NEVER go, but Regina was like if you go a lot of other people will go, so I thought, "Meh." Turned out it was true, because after I bought the ticket I started bugging people to go, and I even managed to get Kenneth, who said no pretty firmly just last week, to go! What an accomplishment! ^_^ I lost my calculator a few weeks ago. I gave up on it... but yesterday I *coughfoundcough* a graphing calculator... Is it really mine? I will leave it up to you to decide. *smiles innocently* Naruto's manga is pretty good right now. I liked how they ended off Part I. It was quite nice, seeing Sakura finally gaining some kickass power. It was quite painful to watch her do nothing for so long when we all know so well she will eventually follow Tsunade's footstep. I will quote what she said in the preview of 108, "As they move forward, I was left behind." It is only too true, and finally, after about 200 chapters of manga she is finally starting to catch up again. ^_^ Sunday, I watched Casshern. It was the prettiest movie I have ever seen in my whole entire life but that movie made absolutely no sense what so ever. Although I did find it more satisfying than Final Fantasy: The Spirit Within for some odd reasons. I guess maybe it was because Casshern was longer and I watched with with company who actually wanted to believe it was a good movie. We ate Church's Chicken before watching the movie, the chicken was good, though God I must have gainned a pound just by eating it. Anthony drove again, and for some odd reasons I am quite compelled to learn to drive myself... maybe during Christmas I will take the exam. posted by Arc 5:09:00 PM 0 comments![]()
New Comp
I got a new comp. It is a happy occasion.
posted by Arc 2:49:00 PM 0 comments![]() |