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Naruto episode 101
Never did this before for a Naruto episode, but it was just such an odd Naruto episode that I thought I should do something different. Just watched it. It was just so out of place, it was funny.
Remember this is set after Sasuke woke up from his coma given by Itachi. He just woke up then he pulled some prank on Kakashi along with Naruto and Sakura... ![]() They wanted to find out what he looks like so they treated him ramen. Notice how Sasuke is happy... ![]() Ino and gang messed up their plan... ![]() After many unsuccessful plans, Kakashi finally agreed to show them what is underneath his mask. ![]() They were mezmerized... ![]() But it was just another mask. ![]() I honestly never saw Sasuke so happy even in the beginning of the whole series. O_o posted by Arc 5:35:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Constipation, Full Moon and the epiphany of meaninglessness
Its lovely, for English we are reading a book about nothing. Waiting for Godot is probably THE book for meaninglessness. I mean how much better can it get than two guys who can't remember anything are sitting underneath a tree waiting for someone who they don't know, constantly want to leave but never do anything about their wish?
This week was pretty interesting. Mom was forcing me to eat a lot of fruit. Yesterday I had plums, plum juice, papaya, grapes, and grape fruits after she found out laxatives don't work on me. She keeps thinking if she doesn't force me to drink plum juice I would get digestine cancer or something. Luckily the fruits in this season are pretty good. I was listening to a lot of Linkin Park songs lately, they are so very angsty, and that sort of made me read a lot of angsty fanfictions (from series I used to like). Can you believe there is actually a Kingdom Hearts story about Riku and blood? In fact in that story, there was a whole paragraph that only said blood. I put that story on my favorite list because it amused me. Oh I also got really into reading Full Moon manga this week. I don't know why. I watched the anime a few months ago, found it pretty good, but the manga is, as usual, even better. I downloaded chapter 1-29 after searching for the manga for hours upon hours. It was overly dramatic but very fun nevertheless much like soap opras. How is it possible that a three year old would meet the love of her life anyway? Given she ended up with Takuto at the end... but that was only because Eichi-kun died. I thought Mitsuki was more likable in the anime... she just seemed nicer and more considerate to all other people there. In the manga she seems a bit more whiny but that's probably because she knew Eichi-kun was dead all along but was in self-denial. Takuto seemed pretty much the same in the manga and the anime personality wise but different in terms of the way he suicide in his past life. I liked the way he killed himself in the manga more. Riding a motorcycle off a cliff seemed very lame compare to jumping off a hospital building right in front of his best friend. They actually told us how Meroko and Izumi died in the manga too. I think that was much better. Apparantly Meroko sliced her wrist after seeing her boyfriend making out with her best friend who ended up to be Mitsuki's grandmother. Poor Mitsuki's grandmother... it wasn't really her fault, but she had to live with a life time of guilt after Meroko's death... well at least until Meroko showed she forgave her. Izumi is so much more interesting in the manga. In the anime he was just there. He did nothing except being there. In the manga, his character was much more developed, and he does end up with Meroko at the end much to my satisfaction. He is way softer to Mitsuki in the anime and on top of that we found out about his past life. I especially loved the way he killed himself by throwing himself in front of a train trying to make his mother smile again when he was a small child. I couldn't believe it but apparantly Shinagami do age... At chapter 29, Mitsuki is finally happy but Takuto disappeared into sparklies. I wonder how the last chapter would turn out. I heard it was a happy ending and for some very odd reason takuto ended up to be alive... I can't wait... posted by Arc 10:07:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Father's Midlife Crsis
Dad is complaining a lot these days, I think he is getting into his midlife crisis or something. He seems to really enjoy saying stuff behind people's back, at home anyway, he will never say anything in front of people.
Luckily things that were said were not undeserved. I mean what is it with selling things for 3-4x the actual value to friends? If you are going to rip off anyone don't rip off your own friend. I know, I know this is a business, but even if you have to rip off people, don't do it too blazingly obvious on your friends becuase you would lose them like this. Give your friends a discount, this way both party would be happy. *sigh* I REALLY don't want to have my name on my neck, I don't get why parents think that is cute. If I can I would refund, but since that auntie is a friend of my parents we can't do that. *sigh* Oh I hate these mosquitoes flying around everywhere. They are horrible. There are at least 5x more mosquitoes this year than last year. Read the newspaper today, Clinton got a heart attack and more than 200 people died in that hostage situation in Russia. The world is a sad place indeed. Finished watching ep 1-12 for Samurai Champloo. It was really really good. Especially ep 1, 3-4, 8-11. Ep 12 is the newest subbed episode, it is a recap episode but it was done in a way I found amusing, so I enjoyed it, mostly. I don't like that detective guy he is annoying, if I recall correctly I only saw him once and that was in episode 5. Thank God for that. I don't think I can stand him for any more episode. Mugen is still the best character in that show. Ouch, my ears are bleeding for some reason right now, maybe I should go and sleep. posted by Arc 1:48:00 AM 0 comments![]()
Samurai Champloo
I never wanted to watch it, but since I was really bored these few days I decided to give this show a try and I found I really like Samurai Champloo. I love the main characters: immoral and impulsive Mugen ( 無幻 )﹐ honourable and composed Jin ( 仁 ), flamboyant and cute Fuu ( 風 ). They are very unique, and fit together very well. Their names are all fitting... well if you know Chinese/Japanese that is. Mugen means no illusion (of the human nature, perhaps? Is that why he acts without thinking so much of consiquences?), Jin means kindness/righteous (and indeed he is a good and moral person), and Fuu means wind (she is a drifter from place to place like th wind, and her personality is very relaxing). While Mugen is immoral, lustful, kills without regrets, and fights for fun, he still cares for his companions (one can hardly count how many times he went to save Fuu's arse without any second thoughts). While Jin is honourable, responsible and calm, he is tactful and is not scared to fight (or kill) when the time comes. While Fuu is flamboyant, bold, weak in terms of fighting skills and therefore often become the maiden in distress, she is still resourceful very useful in their journey and impossible to hate (not the mention she has considerable power over Mugen -- he does listen to her to some extend). Honestly I think they are the most dynamic group I have ever seen in Anime.
Directed by the guy who directed Cowboy Bebop, this anime is almost sure to gain good reviews in America (not so much in Japan because this anime is animated in some innovative style that does not go so well there). Also because it is by that director, Samurai Champloo is constantly compared to Cowboy Bebop, and I would give my opinion here. I think like Bebop, Champloo is very episodic, and nicely animated. They are both animated in odd ways, and where as Bebop utilized jezz, Champloo uses hip-hop. I must admit I really don't like hip-hop, but since it fits the anime style I am incline to let this personal dislike pass. Okay on to characters, I have to say I prefer Mugen (although I am sure I would hate him in real life) than Spike, he is just less depressed and don't dwell on the past so much. Sasuke from Naruto probably dwells on the past even more but being 12 has to be his excuse. Spike is cool but no matter when you see him he always manages to give you an impression that he is sad. As for the less main but still main characters in the show... I obviously like Jin more than Jet - Jin is just much more subtal, mysterious and pretty than the 30+ Jet in Bebop. I will not deny that I much prefer young characters than old ones because I can relate to them much better. In any case, I am human and I am superfical for looks to some degree. Oh as for Faye vs. Fuu, since I am not a guy and does not care for women with big breasts, I am more incline to say I like Fuu more. She is once again, much younger, and is closer to my age. Lastly, I will say I really love Ed in Bebop, he was really really cute and so was that dog, but since there are no counterparts for them in Champloo I can't say much. As you can probably guessed by now, I think Bebop is over rated, sort of like Ghost in the Shell, but maybe that's just cause from what others said I expected so much that when I actually watched it I was truely disappointed. So to summarize everything I will just say: Samurai Champloo rocks! posted by Arc 5:19:00 PM 0 comments![]() |