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Am Really Touched
I am really touched at the moment. Mother and father had been bothering me about the propane tank that was left in Jen's house the whole week. Jen told me to just go to her house and pick it up. Mother and father were not pleased because their logic told them that if you borrow something from somewhere that thing should be returned. They were okay with that but they want Jen's phone number so we can phone before we go and get it, but Jen refuses no matter how many times I asked for it.
I happened to asked Eugene about Jen's msn since she is not on my list so he knew what happened and he decided to go to Jen's house and pick it up for me. -o- That makes me feel rather bad. I mean he has absolutely nothing to do with this and he just goes get it back for me. I will make sure I make some food for him on Monday or whenever. posted by Arc 10:47:00 PM 0 comments![]()
That time of the year
I think I am at that time of the year again when everything is just crashing toward me and I am at the edge of being suicidal just to get away from everything.
Let's see what I have to accomplish in the next two and a half week. Normal Chapter test: Math Probability (Thurs) Chem Equilibrium (June 11th) Physic Relativity (June 11th) English In class Essay (June 15th) Essays: English World Literature 1 (June 18th) Labs: Chemistry, three labs (June 16th) Biology, planning a, b lab (June 16th) Physic, stupid relativity lab (June 16th) Finals: Math Provincial (June 21st) Biology Part one (June 11th), part two (June 14th) History (June 17th) Chemistry (June 18th) Physic (June 21st) So yeah I think I am going to die. Yes, I will die. Great, isn't it? Chem I am doing so horribly in it. I suck so much. >< Let's hope I can pull the stupid mark up with my final. Argu! I am doing horrible in bio too but that I feel I still sort of have some hope in. Well I guess if I do okay in the stupid chemistry test next week I will be fine, that is if I did realtively well in the two tests yet to be marked... Physic, I am sure I will do okay, so is math, and English and History, the only thing I am really worrying are Bio and Chem, but Chem the most, see i am at the point I am so desperate I think I will say prayers each night for it... Well like God will take pity on me now, but it's worth a try. posted by Arc 3:24:00 PM 0 comments![]() |