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The tragedy of being a writer
I was reading about Oscar Wilde's life because I was most scandalously tricked into reading one of his plays and therefore fell into the trap of his writing. Honestly that guy is a genius. His writing is so funny. I love the writing style.
If you think his books are genius wait till you read about his life, I say it is equally dramatic. His early years does not seem all that remarkable. But after he married Constance Lloyd things got really interesting. He got famous after he wrote a few plays and books. Yet at his height of popularity he met and fell in love with Lord Alfred Douglas! Absolutely atrocious, don't you think? I mean at the time of 1890, that was unthinkable. Homosexuality?! Well this guy went into a laws suit with Douglas' father and ended up being sue by the marquess instead for "gross indecency" meaning showing homosexuality in public, etc, being completely indecent int public's eyes. Poor guy got imprisioned for two long years and then became bankrupt because of the law suits. If that was not bad enough, Lord Alfred Douglas actually abandoned Wilde at times when he was most needed. Wilde died poor in Paris in 1900, while Douglas denounced his homosexuality and married a chick. In a way you can saw Wilde brought it upon himself, he is a flamboyant person, and I imagine, if he is alive today at my school, I would probably dislike him for extravagent ways, but as it is, since I never met him and I never know him, I am happy. posted by Arc 7:19:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Guess what?! I saw Troy!!! It was a good movie... With action, humor, and romance. I sound like I am advertising this movie aren't I? Guess what? I am!!
Saw it with Jessica, this just made the movie more funny. I mean watching it with Laina is great, but she is not the talkative type. I can't discuss the movie that much with her, and plus, if we do discuss it, it would probably be comparing the movie with the original mythology... Which is great, but I think I do enough compare and contrast at school. But of course, I can't just forget about these comparison, so I made some just for fun: Actual Myth: -Gods were heavily involved -Paris died -Helen was returned to her husband -The war took 10 years -Archilles didn't play the leading role -Paris was suppose to have a lot more brothers -Archilles had this relationship with Briseis Movie: -Gods did not do anything -Paris did not die -Helen stayed with Paris -Helen's former husband got killed by Hector after having a a fight with Paris -Archilles was the main character -Paris only had one brother - Hector -War only took about a month to finish -Briseis did not exist. Her role taken by Polyxena Same in both -War started because Paris stole Helen -Archilles was the "greatest warrior every lived" -Hector was the hero on Troy's side -Paris killed Archilles -Troy's king died -Troy got burned -They used a wooden horse to get into Troy -Greeks wanted to take over Troy -Archilles killed Hector -Hector killed someone close to Archilles -In one version of the myth Archilles fell in love with Polyxena -Archilles died at the Scaean gate at Troy -Archilles did not like King Agamemnon -Archilles was not fighting for riches Anyway, seeing the movie with Jessica allowed me to act like a fan girl. ^_^ After watching the movie, which made Bloom a sissy (but he proved that he is still intouch with his inner elf so he is still very skilled with arrows), the guy who plays Hector an extremely nice brother (wow he is probably the most likable character in the whole show), and Pitt a moody warrior (he is a great grey character! One of the best I have seen), Jessica and I went shouting down the street as if we were drunk. Jex: Why? Why? Why did Brad Pitt has to die? Me: Because Archilles had to die! Jex: Stupid Bloom! Me: Well at least Bloom was not a slut like Brad Pitt! He slept with what? Five women? Jex: Three! I counted! Basically our conversation continued along those lines with Jessica constantly mourning Archilles' death. As you can tell, our shouting was sort of crazy and random. People were staring at us. Anyway, it was a good movie, go watch it! PS I saw Ms. Yasui there with her bf too, they were watching Troy too! posted by Arc 11:52:00 PM 0 comments![]()
Weekend, Fight for chips, Sleepy
Weekend was pretty busy because of Mother's day. I went out to eat for both Saturady and Sunday... so yeah.
Grade 11 finally fought for a coughrighteouscausecough. It's quite pathetic, getting into a fight just for some chips. But hack, we are teenagers, therefore we are all natural pigs. In any case, for some odd, reasons I am sort of sleepy today. I don't really understand I just feel so tired all the time. I talked to Laina today, went to her house just for fun. It was nice talking to her. By the way! Look at the bottom of this post! Blogger now allows commenting. Isn't that cool>? posted by Arc 8:38:00 PM 0 comments![]()
The End of Hell I see Light!
Honestly, nothing makes you feel more like a nerd than reading the The Constituion of the United States of America when you are not an American. But that was what I did two weeks ago and yesterday I finished my essay on the Constituion arguing that although the constituion allowed some discriminations it was a revolutionary paper for its time. Oh the drama!
Geeze talk about a great life. Did I tell you a few days before I also finished 10 journals for English. And then last week I had a TOK essay due, a whole bunch of chapter tests that I could not afford to screw up in.... Basically I am just thankful to God that I survived the last three weeks, or the so called "hell" weeks. I am glad I can fianlly sleep. Actually, I really want to sleep right now because I only slept for two hours yesterday night, a then three hours two days before. I am really sleep deprived. <_< Oh I talked to Laina for a bit yesterday on MSN. She seemed to be doing well. Random thought: I really need to catch up on my math hw... posted by Arc 7:14:00 PM ![]()
One more
Okay one more essay then rest... for a few days!!!!
posted by Arc 7:55:00 PM ![]() |